KOT reacts

KOT weigh in on National Prayer Breakfast significance

In Summary

• Some Twitter users unimpressed. 

President Uhuru Kenyatta and S. Sudan President Salver Kiir at Safari Park for NAtional Prayer Breakfast Image: COURTESY

Kenyans on Twitter took to social media on Thursday to criticise the National Prayer breakfast led by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The annual event is the 17th national prayer breakfast where leaders meet to reflect and pray for the nation.

Uhuru in his speech  said leaders should speak less and work more.

"If only, just for a moment, we could all just stop talking and put into practice what we have said today, Kenya would be a different country in less than five years," he said.

A Twitter user by the name J Mutinda tweeted,"The National Prayer Breakfast has 99% political significance, 1% spiritual relevance and 0.0% economic value.”

Gollum Smiggle said, "National Prayer Breakfast Today I can only pray that I will be alive when a regime will come into power that will revisit every atrocity and execute corruption dons."

Donald B Kipkorir tweeted, "Our leaders think God is a Kenyan who can be bribed on Sundays!"

"Pastors  are so greedy  for handouts that they allow politicians  to stand at the altar and ridicule one another. The church has become a den of robbers. Its a shame shame shame,"Julia Mbwiria tweeted.

“Prayer is one thing but action is the greatest because you just can't go pray then seat. The leaders need do more.”@enockmuthusi

Dr.Lumala said ,“Faith without works is dead. Our leaders must commit to walk the talk and not merely show up for the breakfast and cameras. A lot of bad things have happened after last year's prayer breakfast ."

John Miano and Boniface Osano said the National Prayer breakfast was a waste of funding .

“The National Prayer Breakfast is another waste of tax payer’s money, instead of doing the obvious to solve our problems, we hide in prayers,”Bonface osano said.

John Miano said ,“They will Prey and leave a message to the young ones: 'You are the leaders of tomorrow'. Yet they can't channel the millions wasted in the Prayer Breakfast 2019 to development of institutions in need such as this school.” 

The Kenya National Prayer Breakfast,  is sponsored by the Kenyan Parliament.

Leaders present during the annual  national prayer breakfast were President Uhuru Kenyatta ,South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Deputy President William Ruto, Chief Justice David Maraga, Amani National Congress party learder Musalia Mudavadi among others.

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