Ivy killed by stalker, spurned lover — classmate

Butchered in Eldoret in carefully orchestrated killing

In Summary

• Ivy Wangeci was a 6th year medical student at Moi University in Eldoret

• A classmate says she was killed by a stalker whose advances she refused


Ivy Wangeci was a 6th year medical student at Moi University in Eldoret/ COURTESY
STALKED, SLAUGHTERED: Ivy Wangeci was a 6th year medical student at Moi University in Eldoret/ COURTESY

A friend of the murdered Moi University School of Medicine student, Ivy Wangeci, has released a statement saying she was murdered on Tuesday by a stalker who wanted to be her lover.

Rodgers Abidha, on a Twitter thread, said that Wangeci had known the person who killed her, 28-year-old Naftali Kinuthia since she was a child.

“He has been pestering Ivy to be his girlfriend, since childhood, Ivy constantly refused," Abida said.

He explains that Wangeci had been complaining that Kinuthia had been stalking her for a while.

“The monster who killed her allegedly travelled all the way from Nairobi in a car with an axe and a knife. He allegedly had a friend driving the car, then ran towards Ivy and maimed Ivy with the axe,” reads the thread.

She was wearing her white doctor's coat a mid-morning when she was hacked to death.

A friend had tried to help Wangeci, but he too was attacked and fell down.

“The killer then went ahead and maimed Ivy severally then he ran away.”

He was caught by boda-boda guys and seriously injured.

On the thread, Abidha addressed the rumours that have been making rounds on various blogs.

“The stories going round that she infected him with HIV-Aidsare just fabrications by people to try and make their stories more interesting for the public to click on their blogs.”

Wangeci’s closest friends have confirmed that she never had any romantic relationships with the assailant, and had never dated him.

Other blogs have claimed that Ivy was not a good student which is why she was in the seventh year of a six-year  course

Some said she had deferred school for one year to be with the man who killed her.

“This is a terrible sickening, horrendous, appalling gruesome lie aimed at tainting Ivy’s name.”

He explains that the whole sixth  year medical class had been delayed due to the strikes that occurred over the last two years.

“Claiming that Ivy was killed in a love triangle is a lie, that she infected him with HIV/AIDS is a lie, that Ivy had stayed with the guy for a year is a lie.”

He explains that Wangeci is a victim of a stalker who couldn’t take no for an answer.

“She is a victim. Stop spreading horrible rumours about her.”

Ivy would have celebrated her birthday on 10 April.

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