[PHOTOS] Kindiki chairs security baraza in Tana River

The county has been a county affected by the al Shabaab militants.

In Summary
  • Last month, over 60 suspected al Shabaab militants were gunned down by Kenyan security forces at the Lamu-Tana River Intersection according to CS Kindiki.
  • He further revealed that two Kenyans were also killed during the attack in which the militants targeted travellers.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki arrives at Galledyertu Sub-County, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki arrives at Galledyertu Sub-County, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Image: MINA

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki on Wednesday headed to Tana River County for a security meeting and will be the chief guest in a security Baraza at Galledyertu Subcounty.

Tana River has been a county affected by the al Shabaab militants who have been killing and terrorising residents.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki recieved by leaders at Galledyertu Subcounty, Tan River on September 20, 2023
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki recieved by leaders at Galledyertu Subcounty, Tan River on September 20, 2023
Image: MINA
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki duirng a consultative meeting with Tana River County leadership team at Galledyertu Sub-County, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki duirng a consultative meeting with Tana River County leadership team at Galledyertu Sub-County, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Image: MINA
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki recieved by leaders at Galledyertu Subcounty, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki recieved by leaders at Galledyertu Subcounty, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Image: MINA
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki duirng a consultative meeting with Tana River County leadership team led by Governor Godhana Dhadho and Senator Danson Mungatana at Galledyertu Sub-County, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki duirng a consultative meeting with Tana River County leadership team led by Governor Godhana Dhadho and Senator Danson Mungatana at Galledyertu Sub-County, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Image: MINA
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki with other leaders at Galledyertu Subcounty, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki with other leaders at Galledyertu Subcounty, Tana River on September 20, 2023
Image: MINA

Last month, over 60 suspected al Shabaab militants were gunned down by Kenyan security forces at the Lamu-Tana River Intersection according to CS Kindiki.

Kindiki, who spoke to the Senate Committee on Education early also revealed that two Kenyans were also killed during the attack in which the militants targeted travellers.

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