Two police officers have been arrested in Busia over the alleged theft of Sh2 million.
A police report filed at Busia police station and seen by the Star said the two officers and a civilian were arrested in connection with the theft of the money.
Police in the report said the incident happened at a parking lot of a hotel in Busia town on February 25.
The money lost, police said, belonged to a Community-Based Organisation.
“This happened when the [arrested] officers received information that there were suspicious people who were looking to exchange money from Kenya shillings to Ugandan shillings,” part of the police report reads.
“The two officers responded and found four men inside a car with Sh500,000 in cash.”
“The driver was resistant and officers requested for backup and the vehicle was taken to the police station while the occupants were [also] taken to the police station. The money recovered was documented.”
Police said a German couple later emerged claiming the money belonged to them since they were working for the Community-based organisation.
The couple, however, complained that the money declared at the police station was not the amount that was initially in the car before it was driven to the station.
The couple alleged the money was supposed to be Sh2,600,000 and not Sh500,000 documented at the police station.
The county DCI officers are investigating the incident.