Chinese couple robbed of Sh4 million in Juja

They had withdrawn the cash from a bank in Nairobi, before heading to Kiahuria in Juja where they operate a quarry

In Summary
  • The couple had withdrawn the cash from a bank in Nairobi, before heading to Kiahuria in Juja where they operate a quarry.
  • According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the couple’s car was blocked by a white Toyota Axio as they were driving along Bob Haris road.  
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: The Star

Police are looking for a man believed to have been part of a five-man gang that robbed a Chinese couple of Sh4 million on Friday evening in Juja, Kiambu county.

The couple had withdrawn the cash from a bank in Nairobi, before heading to Kiahuria in Juja where they operate a quarry.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the couple’s car was blocked by a white Toyota Axio as they were driving along Bob Haris road.  

“Five thugs jumped out of the car and forcefully gained entry into their vehicle, making away with the cash,” the DCI said. Three of the robbers were dressed in police uniform.

A hunt for the suspects who seemed to have prior information on the money is ongoing, police said. Police are reviewing CCTV footages from the bank to the scene where the incident happened as part of the probe.

It is believed the gang trailed the couple before striking.

Meanwhile, detectives are investigating an incident in which a man was attacked and robbed of Sh269,000 by gunmen who had handcuffs and were in police uniforms in Nyamira town.

The victim, Peter Kimathi, had picked the cash which was payment for construction materials when he was attacked on June 5, at about 3pm, police said.

He said while on his way home on foot near Nyamira Boys’ gate, he was approached by a private motor vehicle, which blocked him.

Two men alighted and introduced themselves as police officers.

The victim said one of them was armed with a pistol and ordered him to surrender the cash.

They also took his wallet containing his identity card and a mobile phone before handcuffing and forcing him into the car and drove off with him towards Kisii town direction.

On reaching Getare in Kisii town, they abandoned him there and drove off to an unknown destination.

He was assisted by boda boda riders, who rode him back to Nyamira town, where he reported the matter.

Police say they are investigating the matter and no recovery or arrest have been made so far. 






-Edited by SKanyara

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