Nakuru locals sign former President Kibaki condolence book

Rift Valley Regional Commissioner described Kibaki as a true statesman.

In Summary

• A resident, Paul Kagiri said would remember President Kibaki for infrastructural development ranging from roads such as the Thika Super-Highway, hospitals and expansions of law courts.

• Nakuru County Chief of Staff Gichuhi Njoroge eulogized President Kibaki as the man who encouraged Kenyans to pay tax to reduce dependency on foreign aid.

Rift Valley regional commissioner, Maalim Mohamed signs the late President Mwai Kibaki's condolence book outside the regional headquarters in Nakuru on Tuesday.
CONDOLENCE Rift Valley regional commissioner, Maalim Mohamed signs the late President Mwai Kibaki's condolence book outside the regional headquarters in Nakuru on Tuesday.

Nakuru residents continued to throng Rift Valley Reginal Headquarter offices on Wednesday to sign Former President Mwai Kibaki condolence book.

Most of the eulogized the former President who turned the country around and grew an economy that had been on a downward trajectory for close to two decades.

Mary Khasandi, a retired civil servant working for the Nakuru municipality under the then local government said her fortunes turned for the better when Kibaki became President in 2003 because he ensured promotions by merit.

“I had been working for many years without promotion or proper pay and former President Kibaki transformed Public Service by putting in place a proper rewards’ system for the hardworking employees,” said.

Another resident, Paul Kagiri said would remember President Kibaki for infrastructural development ranging from roads such as the Thika Super-Highway, hospitals and expansions of law courts.

He added that it was also during Kibaki’s the number of universities from six public universities to more than 20 by the time he left office in 2013.

“He touched every household by introducing Free and Compulsory Primary School Education because parents had been suffering as they struggled to keep their children in schools while many children could not access schools due to high poverty levels,” said Kagiri.

Speaking when he launched signing of the former head of state’s condolence book on Tuesday, Rift Valley Regional Commissioner, Maalim Mohamed described the former President as a true statesman who steadied the country’s economy.

The administrator said Kibaki supported the formulation of an enabling environment to guide the growth of the local mobile telephony market which has employed thousands of people.

He remembered President Kibaki for promoting him into the first crop of County Commissioners after the promulgation of Kenya Constitution 2010.

Nakuru County Chief of Staff Gichuhi Njoroge eulogized President Kibaki as the man who encouraged Kenyans to pay tax to reduce dependency on foreign aid.

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