Bomet begins screening passengers at all entry points

Everyone passing through the county is checked for coronavirus symptoms.

In Summary

• Health officers, in collaboration with security officers, will do the screening.

• Fumigation across all major towns in the county continued for the fourth day on Wednesday.

Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok at Longisa Referral Hospital in Bomet on Monday
SCREENING: Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok at Longisa Referral Hospital in Bomet on Monday

The Bomet county government has started screening commuters at all major entry points.

Everyone passing through the county must be checked for symptoms of the coronavirus to stop its spread, Governor Hillary Barchok said.

Barchok told the press in his office on Monday that they have acquired infrared thermometers and other gadgets for screening purposes.


Health officers, in collaboration with security officers, will do the screening.

“We have liaised with the officers from the national government who will enforce the order,” the governor said.

The entry points where screening will be conducted are Mulot, which borders Narok, Chepilat bordering Nyamira, Kapkatet which is the gateway to Kericho and Silibwet which is the access point from Nakuru.

Meanwhile, fumigation major shopping centres continued yesterday.

The governor said public health and medical service officers are on high alert after reports that a Nairobi-based doctor who allegedly attended to a six-year-old boy who succumbed to Covid-19 had self-quarantined at his rural home in Kapsimotwo, Sotik.

Barchok said the doctor, alongside four other family members who had travelled with him from Nairobi, had been examined and did not show any symptoms of the disease. They will be closely monitored until the lapse of the 14-day period.

Edited by A.N



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