14,600 students in Rangwe get Sh50 million bursary as schools reopen

Funds to support the education of the learners, keep them in schools as second term begins

In Summary
  • MP Gogo said education has become basic in human life that all children are required to acquire it for better living and development in the society.
  • Governor Wanga said early sexual debut is one of the main challenges affecting teenagers in Homa Bay and which her government is trying to deal with.
Rangwe MP Lilian Gogo and Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga with students at Asumbi Girls High school on May 12,2024
Rangwe MP Lilian Gogo and Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga with students at Asumbi Girls High school on May 12,2024

Some 14,600 students from poor and vulnerable families in the Rangwe constituency have benefited from the bursary courtesy of the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF).

The bursary funds worth Sh50million is going to support the education of the learners and help them remain in schools as second term begins.

Rangwe MP Lilian Gogo said the beneficiaries included learners in secondary schools, colleges and universities.

She said education has become basic in human life and that all children are required to acquire it for better living and development in the society.

“Education has become one of the basic human needs in the society. For better understanding and integration in the society, children need to be educated,” Gogo said.

Speaking during disbursement at Asumbi Girls High School in the constituency, the MP said they are supporting the education of the students to help in the fight against the triple threat.

The triple threat includes new HIV infections, teen pregnancies and sexual & gender-based violence.

Students at Homa Bay bus park as they return to school following the reopening of schools for second term on May 13, 2024
Students at Homa Bay bus park as they return to school following the reopening of schools for second term on May 13, 2024
Some students near as others on board for schools after schools reopened on May 13,2024
Some students near as others on board for schools after schools reopened on May 13,2024

Rangwe is among the constituencies in Homa Bay County with a high prevalence of triple threat.

Homa Bay is among the top three counties with a high rate of new HIV infections and teen pregnancies. SGBV is also high due to the high poverty index.

Gogo said keeping in schools the learners from poor families is the best way of fight the vices in the society.

“We’re focused on making better the future of our children through supporting their education. The advice we’re giving the beneficiaries is to concentrate on academics,” she said.  

Accompanied by Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga on Sunday, Gogo urged the State to consider increasing the amount allocated as NG-CDF.

Each Kenyan constituency gets up to sh130million as NG-CDF.

Most of them use it for school development and to pay fees for vulnerable students.

Gogo said NG-CDF reaches the remote parts of different constituencies.

“More allocation should be set aside for NG-CDF because of the benefits it has to the people. There is an increase in demand for the funds,” Gogo added.

In her constituency, Gogo said residents applied for bursaries in excess of Sh72 million.

“We had to reduce the amount of money we give college and university students from sh10, 000 to sh7000 so that the majority of the applicants get some money to support their education,” she said.

Wanga called on adolescent students to maintain discipline and hard work in school.

Governor Wanga said early sexual debut is one of the main challenges affecting teenagers in Homa Bay and which her government is trying to deal with.

She said the vice can only be addressed fully if teenagers vow to concentrate on their studies and nothing else.

“We’re struggling to deal with teenagers going to music clubs and disco matanga. This has to stop because it takes two to tangle,” the governor said.

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