Migori sacks 95 health casuals to ‘streamline service’

Claim their contracts termination is a plot 'to employ those who are politically correct'

In Summary

• Deputy Governor Gimunta Mahiri and health executive Awuor Nyerere said those affected were in the county’s 160 public hospitals.

• Said they found more than 350 casual workers when they assumed office after the last elections.

Migori water department casual workers demonstrate against 11 months salary delay
Migori water department casual workers demonstrate against 11 months salary delay

The Migori government has sent home 95 casual workers, amid complaints of harassment and victimisation.

Casual workers at Migori County Referral Hospital, Kehancha and Isebania health centres have protested against the county government, claiming their contracts termination is a plot "to employ those who are politically correct".

Deputy Governor Gimunta Mahiri and health executive Awuor Nyerere said those affected were in the county’s 160 public hospitals.

“The department conducted human resources audit to know the various cadres and their roles in the sector with the aim of rationalising the workforce for optimum delivery in healthcare,” Gimunta said.

He said the audit revealed that in some cases the three months set for casuals had elapsed and the county budget could not sustain their continued engagement.

They said Migori has only a quota of maximum of 250 casual workers across the board, but they found more than 350 casual workers when they assumed office after the last elections.

Earlier this month, work at the department of water and energy was disrupted after casual workers from the Migori Water and Sanitation Company demonstrated over 11 months salary delay.

The workers, carrying placards and twigs, blocked the entrance to the offices and locked offices to prevent members of the public from accessing services.

“We are downing our tools and we will not work until we are paid our dues. We call on the governor to see to our plight as workers,” worker Linus Oluoch said.

Gimunta said they will handle the pay complaints.

“We will pay all the casuals who were disengaged as soon as possible,” the deputy governor said.

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