Five suspects arrested over Rangwe woman's death

An administrator is being accused of allegedly failing to provide police with adequate information

In Summary
  • The suspects are getting questioned at Homa Bay police station following the death incident.
  • It is alleged that the administrator directed some family members of the deceased to take the body to the mortuary without notifying the police about the death.  
Homa Bay police station where the suspects are being detained
Homa Bay police station where the suspects are being detained

Police in Homa Bay are interrogating five people following the death of a 60-year-old woman in Rangwe.

The suspects were arrested Monday evening by detectives after being linked to the death of the woman.

The suspects allegedly colluded before they picked and ferried the body to a mortuary in a private health facility.

The suspects are getting questioned at Homa Bay police station following the death incident.

An administrator is being accused of allegedly failing to provide police with adequate information about what could have led to the death of the woman.

It is alleged that the administrator directed some family members of the deceased to take the body to the mortuary without notifying the police about the death.  

“Some residents reported that the administrator told the suspects to take the body of the deceased to the mortuary. Police came to know about the death later after the residents raised complaints,” Homa Bay police commander Samson Kinne said.

According to Kinne, residents who are immediate neighbours of the woman were concerned that they were not going to establish the cause of death but they suspected it was murder.

Kinne said the woman died in her house in unclear circumstances which needs thorough investigations.

“The administrator and suspected accomplices later came and reported that the woman died a sudden death in her house. The law requires that such issues be reported to the police for investigations,” he added.  

The report was made later after the body was taken out of the house.

Kinne said investigators who went to the scene discovered blood stains at the house.

They suspected foul play and believed the suspects could know more about the death.

“There was also an indication that the house was cleaned. She could have been murdered,” Kinne said.

The woman was living alone in her house.

Police are asking members of the public to cooperate with them as they investigate the matter.

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