Nyanza residents praised for embracing other political parties

Neto urged Ndhiwa residents to join UGM and stop clinging on ODM

In Summary
  • He said his party's agenda is anchored on development,  environment conservation and gender equality
  • President William Ruto over the weekend opened his UDA party office in Homa Bay town
UGM leader Agostino Neto in Ndhiwa constituency, on October 8
UGM leader Agostino Neto in Ndhiwa constituency, on October 8

United Green Movement co-party leader Agostino Neto has praised Nyanza residents for embracing democracy and welcoming other political parties.

He said political parties like UGM and UDA, which rival ODM, are recruiting members in the region without obstacles.

“There is a wind of change in Luo Nyanza as people are voluntarily registering with UGM and other political parties. This a sign that residents have started to embrace multi-party democracy,” Neto said.

He spoke during a thanksgiving ceremony for the party supporters at Kanyangasi  trading centre in North Kabuoch, Ndhiwa constituency.

Neto urged Ndhiwa residents to join UGM and stop clinging on ODM.

“Strengthening this party will enable us to work with our political friends to bring development projects here,” he said.

Neto said his party's agenda is anchored on development,  environment conservation and gender equality.

“The main objective of UGM is to improve lives of the people through promotion of development projects. The environment conservation we focus on is the genesis of human life,”he said.

Former Ndhiwa MP Agostino in Ndhiwa constituency on October 8
Former Ndhiwa MP Agostino in Ndhiwa constituency on October 8

ODM is the most popular party in Luo Nyanza whose party leader is Raila Odinga.

Neto served as Ndhiwa MP  between2012-2017 under ODM.

UGM co-chairperson in Ndhiwa Constituency Dorcas Matunga, urged residents to stand with the party as they target various elective seats in 2027.

“We have started popularising the party to ensure we secure as many elective seats as possible in 2027 general election,” she said.

President William Ruto over the weekend opened his UDA party office in Homa Bay town, as an effort to strengthen it in the region.

Neto commended President Ruto for launching various projects in Homa Bay and other counties in Luo Nyanza.  He said the projects will improve lives of residents.

“We are grateful for the projects the president launched in Nyanza. These projects will transform lives of people,” he said.

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