MCA in Kisii, Nyamira boundary row attacked by goons

Gisesa was attending a football match at the Gusii Stadium when youths demanded he leave

In Summary

• He sustained injuries in the abdomen after the thugs hurled kicks and blows at him

Rigoma MCA Nyambega Gisesa in hospital
Rigoma MCA Nyambega Gisesa in hospital

An MCA at the centre of the Nyamira and Kisii boundary row over the location of Keroka town was on Saturday attacked by goons and ejected out of a match in Kisii town.

Nyambega Gisesa, the ward representative for Rigoma in Nyamira, was among thousands who had thronged the Gusii Stadium to spectate the match between home side Shabana and Kisumu Allstars.

Shabana needed a win to be crowned National Super League Champions. As such, supporters drawn from the Abagusii community in both Kisii and Nyamira counties thronged the stadium to support the club.

Gisesa was among dignitaries who had turned up and was seated when goons descended in him. He sustained injuries in the abdomen after the thugs hurled kicks and blows at him.

"As I speak to you, I'm heading to hospital following the attack," he told the Star on the phone on Saturday evening.

Gisesa has petitioned the High Court in Nyamira to declare that Keroka town is located in Nyamira county. Currently, both Kisii and Nyamira county governments collect revenue from the border town.

Former governors James Ongwae (Kisii) and John Nyagarama (Nyamira) had initially agreed to equally share the town between the two counties.

The Keroka side in Nyamira lies within Nyambega's Rigoma ward. He want's the court to stop Kisii county from collecting revenue in the town.

That stance has irked leaders from Kisii. Nyambega told the Star the goons had warned him against setting foot in Kisii over his push to have the town in Nyamira.

Kisii county police commander Charles Kasses said investigations into the attack have started.

"We have heard it verbally as we wait until he files a formal complaint report," he said.

The football match was underway when at least four goons demanded that Gisesa leaves the stadium.

"They looked familiar and I can identify them if need be," the MCA said.

"Hooliganism over the Keroka town boundary issue will not stop us from fighting for the rights of Nyamira people or enjoying the beautiful game of football."

Rigoma MCA Nyambega Gisesa
Rigoma MCA Nyambega Gisesa
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