MP goes after contractor for 'shoddy work' on Nyamira roads

Mogaka says contractor was paid the full amount yet works are incomplete

In Summary
  • The MP has expressed his dissatisfaction over the state of various roads in the constituency, saying the contractors should explain.
  • He said there is no need to have new roads done or maintained before the old ones are completed.
West Mugirango MP Stephen Mogaka
West Mugirango MP Stephen Mogaka

West Mugirango MP Stephen Mogaka has vowed to deal with contractors who either did shoddy jobs or never delivered on road works they were paid for in West Mugirango.

The MP has expressed his dissatisfaction over the state of various roads in the constituency, saying the contractors should explain.



In a phone interview, the MP said the status of the roads in his constituency does not reflect the Sh17 million paid for the works.

“I can ascertain that there is nothing that was done on the roads. We want the former contractor who was allocated these roads to account for the money they were given before a different contractor is awarded for the maintenance of the roads,” Mogaka said.

The MP said there is no need to have new roads done or maintained before the old ones are completed.

He said the process of probing the contractors who were awarded the unfinished roads has started and they must account for every coin spent.

“This kind of misappropriation is what has dragged our constituency back for the past five years and we will not allow the same to happen under my watch, I have already written to the relevant investigating agencies over the matter and appropriate action will be taken,” he said.

He has called on the DCI, EACC, DPP and the assets recovery agency to investigate and audit the said road and others in the constituency.

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