Raila, Luo leaders rebuke CS Owalo over food distribution

He has been on an extensive food distribution exercise in four Nyanza counties of Migori, Homa Bay, Kisumu and Siaya.

In Summary

• “Those running around here bringing relief maize are free to run, the Luo and region unity is intact. I know what is happening in all corners of my backyard,” Raila said.

• Raila was speaking at Awendo Recreation Centre in Awendo town during the funeral of Ochieng Ruku, a former councilor.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga during a meeting with ODM leaders and supporters at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation in Upperhill, Nairobi, on December 2, 2022.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga during a meeting with ODM leaders and supporters at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation in Upperhill, Nairobi, on December 2, 2022.

ODM leader Raila Odinga and leaders from Nyanza have chided ICT CS Eliud Owalo for his extensive tours of relief food distribution in the region.

Owalo has been leading an extensive food distribution exercise in four Nyanza counties of Migori, Homa Bay, Kisumu and Siaya often accompanied by leaders in the region who have been bashing Odinga and the ODM team.

“Those running around here bringing relief maize are free to run, the Luo and region unity is intact. I know what is happening in all corners of my backyard,” Raila said.

He said while Owalo has been busy running around in Nyanza, he has been focusing on pushing through electoral democracy and will give political directions from January.

“From January I will give the country direction, the truth about the August 9 election will come out through electoral democracy as majority of IEBC commissioners rejected the process,” Raila said.

He said as Azimio, they had built a strong case to push through development of the country and shore up devolution by increasing the allocation from 15 per cent to 35 per cent of the national Gross Domestic Product.

“The election was shambolic and Chebukati did what can be equated to witchcraft. We will not accept someone to walk around with our victory. Kenyans should be alert, I will give direction from January,” he said.

Raila was speaking at Awendo Recreation Centre in Awendo town during the funeral of Ochieng Ruku, a former councilor.

Others who attended the meeting were Awendo MP Walter Owino, Uriri MP Mark Nyamita, Suna West MP Peter Masara, Migori Woman Representative Fatuma Mohammed, Kisumu Deputy Governor Mathews Owili, Migori Senator Eddy Oketch and Migori Governor Ochillo Ayacko among others.

“It is sad that the same people who lost last elections in the region even after using Raila's image in their posters are now in the front attacking him and us in Owalo’s food distribution functions,” Ayacko said.

He said the region was ready to work with the national government and support Owalo as their son for the benefit of Kenyans, but rampant insults by those accompanying him was in bad taste.

“Owalo is using a chopper hired by millions with over thirty vehicles in each distribution for giving out only a lorry of food worth about Ksh100,0000, nobody has ever died of anger in Nyanza,” Owino said.

He said instead Owalo should come in the region to distribute computers, ICT Hubs and boost connectivity in markets and public places for internet.

“We accepted we are beyond the elections, but we will not allow to be reminded of what happened and to be belittled,” Nyamita said.

Masara said Kenyans were not afraid of taking the government to task and are waiting the direction to be given by Raila on January.

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