Elect more women to achieve gender rule — Asiyo

Former MP Asiyo asked Kenyans to vote for women seeking different leadership positions.

In Summary

• UN Development Fund for Women goodwill ambassador, who is the UN Development Fund for Women goodwill ambassador, said Kenyans have an opportunity to pass legislation implementing the two-thirds gender rule.

• She served as Karachuonyo MP and now is chairperson of the Kenyan Caucus for Women's Leadership.

Former MP Phoebe Asiyo speaks in a Homa Bay event.
WOMAN POWER" Former MP Phoebe Asiyo speaks in a Homa Bay event.
Image: FILE:


Former Karachuonyo MP Phoebe Asiyo has urged Kenyans to elect more women to help achieve the two-thirds gender rule.

She said on Monday that on Tuesday Kenyans have an opportunity to implement the two-thirds gender rule and make it a reality. It's the law but has never been implemented.

Asiyo who is the UN Development Fund for Women goodwill ambassador, and also chairperson of the Kenyan Caucus for Women's Leadership, said Kenyans have an opportunity to make the two-thirds gender rule a reality.

Addressing the two-thirds gender rule will ensure Parliament is not faulted for violating the constitution.

Former Chief Justice David Maraga said Parliament should be disolved because it did not observe the two-thirds gender rule. He advised the President but his advice was opposed. 

Kenya has not implemented fully the rule despite the law being anchored in the constitution. It says no elective or appointed official body should contain more than two thirds members of one gender.

Both 11th and 12th Parliaments failed to enact enabling legislation.

Some Kenyans filed a petition demanding that Parliament be sanctioned for failure to comply with a High Court order that it enacts laws to ensure the country achieves the two-thirds gender rule.

Speaking in Homa Bay, Asiyo asked Kenyans to avoid a repeat of the same by electing women seeking different leadership positions.

“Kenyans have an opportunity to address the two-thirds gender rule which has been difficult to meet. It will be better if we elevate more women to political leadership,” she said.

Asiyo has been advocating for women's leadership. In her tenure (1980-1997) as MP, she supported more women to get political power.

Asiyo is among the women who pushed for important changes that ensured the introduction of affirmative action in the constitution which empowered more women.

Homa Bay is among counties leading in women leadership.

In 2017, residents elected three female MPs in single constituencies, Lillian Gogo (Rangwe), Eve Obara (Kabondo Kasipul) and Millie Odhiambo (Suba North). All will be defending their seats on Tuesday.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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