Homa Bay residents urged to join fight against GBV

The county tops the list in cases of sexual and gender-based violence

In Summary

•Residents to open up a network of communication between them and security officials to ensure all cases are reported.

•The county director for Gender William Otago encouraged the residents to utilise the toll-free number 1195 to report GBV cases.

A man shows the logo of a T-shirt that reads "Stop the Cut", referring to Female Genital Mutilation.
A man shows the logo of a T-shirt that reads "Stop the Cut", referring to Female Genital Mutilation.
Image: /FILE

Homa Bay residents have been urged to join the fight against Gender-Based Violence that is rampant in the county.

Johanese Omwenga assistant director in the directorate of GBV and family protection said he was concerned about the high number of cases in the county.

He spoke on Friday during a meeting that brought together various administrative officers, health experts, officers from the social department and journalists at a hotel within Homa Bay town.

“I am saddened that Homa Bay is still topping the list of counties leading in cases of sexual and gender-based violence. The county is second after Nairobi,” Omwenga said.

He said there was a need for the residents to open up a network of communication between them and security officials to ensure all cases are reported and perpetrators dealt with to curb the menace.

Omwenga urged journalists to report responsively when dealing with GBV cases.

Homa Bay State Department of Youth Affairs county director Elector Opar encouraged parents to empower their children with information that ensures they put their lives and mental health first in marriages and relationships.

“It is time for our people to start valuing their children instead of encouraging them to stick to abusive relationships,” Opar said.

The county director for Gender William Otago encouraged the residents to utilise the toll-free number 1195 to report GBV cases.

Edited by Kiilu Damaris

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