Kopere residents decry rising robbery and cattle theft

At least 10 shops have been broken into over the last two months alone

In Summary

• Muhoroni subcounty commander David Muniu said they have beefed up security in Kopere.

• Kopere market chairman Apollo Onyango said thieves have been raiding their shops and stealing goods at night, especially during curfew hours.

Traders in Kopere on the border of Kisumu and Nandi counties
Traders in Kopere on the border of Kisumu and Nandi counties

Residents of Kopere on the border of Kisumu and Nandi counties are living in fear over the rise in cases of insecurity in the area.

They say cases of robbery, burglary and cattle theft have increased in the past two months.

Residents alleged that some of those terrorising them were allied to Chemelil  MCA Maureen Otiang.

They claimed that she bails them out when arrested.

Otiang denied the allegations, saying she has raised insecurity concerns with the police.

"As a politician, I can be accused of many things but I have nothing to do with the allegations," she said.

Otiang said she represents all her voters, including 'the good and the bad'.

Kopere market chairman Apollo Onyango said thieves have been raiding their shops and stealing goods at night, especially during curfew hours.

They also take advantage of blackouts and when it is raining.

“We are spending sleepless nights as our homes and shops are being raided by criminals at night. Every two days there are breakages in the shops,” he said.

Onyango said they have lodged several complaints with police and the area chief.

He urged Rapid Deployment Unit officers in Songhor and officers at Kopere police post to conduct regular security patrols.

Muhoroni subcounty commander David Muniu said they have beefed up security in Kopere.

Onyango said traders are finding it hard to keep their businesses running, especially with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Traders are forced to carry their goods to their houses for fear of being robbed,” he said.

Onyango said thieves target M-Pesa shops, hardware, spare parts shops, electronic outlets and shops dealing in cereals.

“The thugs dig walls to access the shops while some break the doors,” he said.

More than 10 shops have been robbed within two months.

Residents rearing livestock have also not been spared, as their animals are stolen and slaughtered.

Last week, an M-Pesa shop operator was robbed of Sh40,000. According to the victim, those who stole from him were in a black Subaru.

Trader Austin Ogendo who deals in electronics, said he has incurred huge losses after his shop was broken into twice.

“We are appealing to security agencies to heighten security in the area. We depend on our businesses for a living,” Ogendo said.

Trader Syprose Olwal said they know some of the people stealing from their shops. “We are living in fear. We are being threatened and intimidated if you dare name or identify them,” Olwal said.

Elvis Okeya, a resident at Kopere centre, said the spate of insecurity was worrying. 

He called for collective responsibility to tackle insecurity, saying criminals live in their midst.

“We must stop solving criminal cases at home. We must report criminals to the police and not negotiate with them,” he said.

Edited by A.N


Traders in Kopere on the border of Kisumu and Nandi counties. Residents are living in fear over increased insecurity.
Traders in Kopere on the border of Kisumu and Nandi counties. Residents are living in fear over increased insecurity.
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