Mama Sarah Obama laid to rest at her Kogelo home

Everyone trying to gain access into the home had to be screened at check points.

In Summary

• The brief burial ceremony which was conducted in line with Islamic rites followed a brief funeral service which was led by Sheikh Musa Ismail shortly after midday.

• In his condolence to the family which was read on his behalf by CS Omamo, President Uhuru Kenyatta described Mama Sarah as a celebrated philanthropist who was humble and caring.

The body of the late Mama Sarah moments before her burial on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.
The body of the late Mama Sarah moments before her burial on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

Mama Sarah Onyango Obama was buried on Tuesday at her Kogelo home in a private ceremony attended by close family members, top government officials, relatives and friends.

The brief burial ceremony which was conducted in line with Islamic rites followed a brief funeral service which was led by Sheikh Musa Ismail shortly after midday.

Women were not allowed to access the graveyard in accordance with the Islamic dictates.

She was buried next to her husband Hussain Onyango.

Foreign Affairs CS Raychelle Omamo who landed in the county in a military chopper led government officials and other leaders to pay their last respects to Mama Sarah.

Security was on Tuesday beefed up in Kogelo, Siaya county at the home of the late Mama Sarah Obama ahead of her burial slated for midday.

Leaders who attended the event included Governor Anyang' Nyong'o ( Kisumu), ICT PS Jerome Ochieng, PS devolution Francis Owino, Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga, Siaya County Assembly Speaker George Okode, county commissioner Michael Ole Tialal amongst other dignitaries.

All the MPs from the county were conspicuously missing from the burial.

There was an outpouring of grief during the internment of Mama Sarah who was eulogized as a matriarch, a torchbearer, an educator and a philanthropist who will be dearly missed.

Malik Obama, the half brother of former US President Barack Obama was overwhelmed by grief as he paid tribute to his grandmother.

He had to cut short his speech before he was escorted out of the arena by his wife.

In his condolence to the family which was read on his behalf by CS Omamo, President Uhuru Kenyatta described Mama Sarah as a celebrated philanthropist who was humble and caring.

He said as a nation, Kenya was privileged to have had her as its daughter.

"We celebrate her life as a woman of substance who was outstanding. She made her home the most welcoming place to everyone who visited," said Uhuru.

Uhuru said Mama Sarah impacted positively on the lives of the vulnerable in society and her contribution to better humanity will be missed dearly.

The body of the late Mama Sarah moments before her burial on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.
The body of the late Mama Sarah moments before her burial on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

The president sent Sh1 million to the family to help with the burial expenses.

Addressing the mourners, Governor Nyong'o asked the government to declare the home a heritage centre in honour of Mama Sarah.

"This will be the best way to recognize and honour her immense contribution to the well-being of humanity," he said.

Governor Rasanga directed the county government's department of tourism to declare the home a tourism attraction centre by gazetting it.

"We will also continue to pay school fees to all the orphaned children who were being sponsored by Mama Sarah," he said.

Rasanga said his government was keen to continue fulfilling the dreams of the late Mama Sarah of ensuring children receive an education.

Security was on Tuesday beefed up in Kogelo, Siaya county at the home of the late Mama Sarah Obama ahead of the burial that took place at 12.15 pm.

Security was on Tuesday beefed up in Kogelo, Siaya county at the home of the late Mama Sarah Obama ahead of her burial slated for midday.

Police only allowed entry for immediate family members and a few invited guests into the home.

Police officers had been deployed to man gates leading to the home.

Others were manning the two barriers that had been erected along the road leading to the home.

Everyone trying to gain access into the home had to be screened at the checkpoints and the two gates before being allowed in.

The Star established that the directives to restrict the number of mourners allowed into the compound to witness the burial was reportedly issued on Monday by top county security officers.

This was to ensure Ministry of Health protocols on Covid-19 containment are strictly observed.

Journalists were however allowed access to the home upon identification.

Mama Sarah Obama,99, died on Monday morning at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and referral hospital where she had been admitted since Saturday last week.

The hospital's Chief executive officer Dr George Rae said she was being managed for chest complications.

The body that had overnight stay at her Kogelo village home, was removed from the hospital's mortuary in Kisumu at around noon yesterday.

On Monday evening the family led by her son Sayid Obama pleaded with the area MCA Joseph Mboha to ask the security to allow their neighbours and distant relatives to attend the burial.

"We have instructions to allow only immediate family members and a few invited guests to attend the burial. We feel this is unfair given that Mama was a public figure," he told the Star.

The family asked the security to allow at least 25 people at a time to view the body while keeping social distance before being allowed out of the compound.

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