MP Ghati tells Kenyans to sign up for Huduma Namba in new drive

Ghati said Kenyans who didn't sign up in the first phase should take advantage of the second phase

In Summary

• Government spokesman Cyrus Oguna has said the ongoing Rapid Result Initiative on birth certificates and national IDs will kick off the second phase.

• The legislator supported the proposed Huduma Bill,  2019 which stipulates that the number will be key in applying for driving licenses, buying and selling land, health care and registering for marriage.

Huduma namba registration./THE STAR
Huduma namba registration./THE STAR

Nominated MP Dennitah Ghati has called on Kenyans to ensure they register in large numbers during the second phase of mass Huduma Namba registration.

Already government spokesman Cyrus Oguna has said the ongoing Rapid Result Initiative on birth certificates and national IDs will kick off the second Huduma Namba phase.

Speaking to the press in Migori town on Saturday, Ghati said Kenyans who did not sign up in the first phase should take advantage of the second phase to do so.


“Kenyans already know the main advantage of the number and local administrators and government officials should cooperate with the public in this exercise,” Ghati said.

She said while the government said the exercise would continue at assistant chief offices, Kenyans have not been following it up.

The legislator supported the proposed Huduma Bill,  2019 which stipulates that the number will be key in applying for driving licenses, buying and selling land, health care and registering for marriage.

Other services will include registering mobile numbers, transacting in banks or paying taxes among others.

“We need to have a national digital population data to help in service delivery, this is key pushing the country forward,” Ghati said.

She called on the government to move with speed and release cards for first applicants to start using before the second mass registration kicks off.

(edited by O. Owino)

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