Escaping police vehicle knocks and kills pedestrian in Wajir

The vehicle had responded to a fire incident at a school when they were attacked

In Summary
  • As more police officers responded to the scene, they were attacked and stoned by the angry students
  • The students claimed the officers were slow in their response
Accident scene.
Accident scene.

A police vehicle that was escaping the wrath of rioting students knocked and killed a pedestrian in Habaswein, Wajir county. 

Police were called on Sunday night to respond to a fire at Senior Chief Ogle Girls secondary school when the incident happened.

Property of unknown value, which included the students' belongings was destroyed.

Locals joined other firefighters and managed to contain the spread of the fire. 

Three students fainted after being choked and police had to carry them.  They were rushed to Siriba nursing home and admitted in fair condition.

As more police officers responded, they were met with angry students who hurled stones at them. The students claimed the officers were slow in their response.

Police lobbed teargas canisters to disperse the unruly students, after one of their drivers was hit by a stone on the head, causing him to lose its control.

This was as he tried to escape from the scene, police and other witnesses said.

The vehicle veered off the road and knocked a pedestrian killing him on the spot.

The injured driver was rushed to a clinic where he was admitted while the body was moved to a local mortuary.

Elsewhere in Kajiado, a section of students went on a rampage and destroyed property of unknown value, burning their mattresses and curtains.

Police said students at Khalifa Bin Jasim Secondary School in Oloosirkon sub-location were angered after they were stopped from watching a football match that was going on.

The match was the Champions League final at Wembley pitting Borussia Dortmund against Real Madrid. 

Police responded to the scene and joined another group in containing the spread of the fire.

Officers said they are investigating the incident and that no arrest had been made.

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