Isiolo, Marsabit women and youths undergo training on peacebuilding

Residents urged to rise above tribal conflicts and seek amicable solutions that promote cohesion.

In Summary
  • NRT's Peace Building Officer Josephine Ekiru said sidelining youth and women in the peacebuilding process has impeded the full potential of resolving conflicts and building sustainable peace.
  • Josephine said in a meeting that brought together more than 200 women and youth leaders in two counties resolved to foster peace and development in the region.
Northern Rangelands Trust peace building officer Josephine Ekiru dancing with women leaders on Saturday March 16, 2024 in Laisamis after the three day training on capacity building and conflict prevention.. PHOTO: Abdikadir Chari
Northern Rangelands Trust peace building officer Josephine Ekiru dancing with women leaders on Saturday March 16, 2024 in Laisamis after the three day training on capacity building and conflict prevention.. PHOTO: Abdikadir Chari

Several women and youths from Marsabit and Isiolo counties have been empowered through a training program on peace-building.

The program funded by the United States Agency and International Development (USAID) Kenya through Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) aimed at enhancing efforts towards peaceful and inclusive societies in Marsabit and Isiolo counties.

Speaking during the three-day training that started on Thursday and ended Saturday, NRT's Peace Building Officer Josephine Ekiru said sidelining youth and women in the peacebuilding process has impeded the full potential of resolving conflicts and building sustainable peace.

"Women and youth face many barriers in their capacities which prevent them from participating and leading in the peacebuilding process," she said.

Josephine said the meeting brought together more than 200 women and youth leaders to foster peace and development in the region.

"Both women and youth leaders have agreed that meaningful development can only be realized in a peaceful environment where different communities coexist peacefully," she said.

Josephine said both women and youth are often impacted by the skirmishes hence bearing the brunt of the conflict.

More than 200 women and youth leaders from Marsabit and Isiolo Counties trained on capacity building on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at Laisamis. The training began Thursday. PHOTO: Abdikadir Chari
More than 200 women and youth leaders from Marsabit and Isiolo Counties trained on capacity building on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at Laisamis. The training began Thursday. PHOTO: Abdikadir Chari

"Working on grassroots leaders would promote peace in the region. We brought together women and youth leaders to identify challenges that may trigger violence and find ways to overcome it," she said.

"Women and youth are the majority and they need to take advantage of their numbers in playing a key role in the promotion of peace and peaceful coexistence." 

The chairperson of the women's council in Isiolo Quresho Belle said she will team up with like-minded individuals in the region to spearhead a reconciliation campaign.

She urged residents to rise above tribal conflicts and seek amicable solutions that promote cohesion.

"We must learn to live peacefully with our neighbours and not engage in violent activities that disrupt peace," she said.

Jillo Wako Tache from Jaldesa Conservancy said peaceful coexistence, building resilience and unity amongst the communities is vital.

She lauded the role played by non-governmental organizations in involving both women and youth in peacebuilding efforts.

" Women mediators and negotiators play a key role in helping to understand the root causes of conflicts and lead problem-solving and a lasting peace," she said.

While echoing Jillo's sentiment, Joy Lenawaibene said women play central roles in conflict prevention and upholding the cultural and social systems that promote peace.

Moran's leader Lepanto Epiru called for the empowerment of youth saying it's a step towards a resilient and prosperous society.

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