Marsabit women urged to embrace modern family planning

Women were also asked to give birth in hospital for their own safety and health.

In Summary
  • Marsabit County Director of Family Health Bokayo Arero said most women in the county don't use family planning methods which resulted in having children they never planned for.
  • She said many women prefer traditional birth control methods due to cultural beliefs and asked men to urge their wives to use modern family planning.
Bokayo Arero Director Family Health join by Deputy clinical and Referral Director Batula Jaro and Caroline Nyandat Reproductive Health team lead at Kisumu Medical and Education Trust during world contraceptive day held at Goro Rukesa
Bokayo Arero Director Family Health join by Deputy clinical and Referral Director Batula Jaro and Caroline Nyandat Reproductive Health team lead at Kisumu Medical and Education Trust during world contraceptive day held at Goro Rukesa

Marsabit women have been urged to embrace modern family planning in order to improve their health.

Speaking during World Contraceptive Day held at Goro Rukesa on Tuesday, Marsabit County Director of Family Health Bokayo Arero said most women in the county don't use family planning methods which resulted in having children they never planned for.

She said many women prefer traditional birth control methods due to cultural beliefs and asked men to urge their wives to use modern family planning.

"Most women fear embracing family planning methods. I urge men to encourage their wives to practice family planning," said Arero.

She said her Department of Health is holding sensitization meetings across the county to educate residents on the importance of child spacing.

"We are using different means especially local FM stations to educate residents on the importance of child spacing," she said

The director asked expectant mothers to give birth in hospitals to reduce maternal deaths.

" It is the joy of every mother to have a healthy child. Let us embrace giving birth in hospitals," she said.

While urging expectant mothers to attend clinic four times before giving birth, she said Antenatal, Delivery and Postnatal care services are recommended interventions aimed at preventing maternal deaths.

She said Antenatal care services help pregnant women by identifying complications associated with the pregnancy.

"Antenatal and Postnatal care services are amongst the major interventions aimed at reducing maternal and newborn deaths," she said.

Deputy Clinical and Referral Director Batula Jaro speaks on the importance of family planning on world contraceptive day held at Goro rukesa on Tuesday
Deputy Clinical and Referral Director Batula Jaro speaks on the importance of family planning on world contraceptive day held at Goro rukesa on Tuesday

She revealed various methods of contraception which include oral contraceptives, implants, injectables, vaginal rings and condoms.

She said World Contraceptive Day is celebrated worldwide in order to spread awareness of various contraceptive options to individuals and women regarding family planning and reproductive health.

"Family planning prevents unintended pregnancies, reduces sexually transmitted infections and reduces unsafe abortion," she said.

Deputy Clinical and Referral Director Batula Jaro urged residents to plan their families so as to have easily manageable families, saying that embracing family planning would save them the stresses and struggle of having to take care of a larger family when they don't have the means to do so.

She said, many women assume that their husbands only supported breastfeeding as the only acceptable method of family planning, thus causing them to seek family planning services secretly.

"Involve your partner in practice family planning to avoid quarrelling," she advised

She added that family planning methods are used to promote safer sexual practices, reduce unintended pregnancies, safe abortion and child spacing.

She encouraged couples to avail the family planning services offered by the government to improve their quality of life as they can invest more time in their kids and prepare for their future needs and education.

"Spacing and planning of pregnancies reduce health risks and promote the wellbeing of the mother and babies," she said

Caroline Nyandat Reproductive Health team lead at Kisumu Medical and Education Trust ( KMET) encouraged couples to use family planning methods to promote maternal and child well-being.

Caroline Nyandat Reproductive Health team lead at Kisumu Medical and Education Trust join residents of Goro Rukesa during the word contraceptive day.
Caroline Nyandat Reproductive Health team lead at Kisumu Medical and Education Trust join residents of Goro Rukesa during the word contraceptive day.

She noted that women need to access modern contraceptive methods to allow them to wait for the recommended two years before having another child so that their bodies can have a chance to recover and reduce the risk of poor birth outcomes.

She encouraged men to also embrace family planning methods so that they can effectively plan for their families.

Caroline said KMET will continue to collaborate with the Government to implement programs and activities that heighten awareness of the importance of family planning.

Marsabit Referral Hospital CEO Kusu Abduba said family planning methods have socio-economic benefits.

"Family planning prevents birth-related complications for both mother and child and has the long-term benefits of empowering women and reducing poverty.

"Families that have the number of children they can afford to train are able to devote more resources to providing basic needs," he said

The CEO said the event with the theme " the power of options - where every pregnancy is wanted" seeks to put family planning on the consciousness of the citizens and front burner of public discourse.

Fatuma Boru, a resident of Goro Rukesa urged her fellow women to go for modern family planning to improve their health.

" I used to give birth after two years since I was not aware of family planning. Since I was educated on the importance of family planning, it has helped in improving my health and i practice child spacing," said Fatuma

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