Abdi appeals for more support to address hunger in Wajir

Says there is need to upscale cash transfers, relief food and health interventions

In Summary

•  The governor said the drought situation is at an alarm stage and requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders.

•  "The number of households requiring food assistance and support from both state and non-state actors’ keeps increasing as the situation degenerates,” he said.

Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi speaking in his office when he hosted the UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs in Wajir county on Monday, July 18.
ALARM STAGE: Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi speaking in his office when he hosted the UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs in Wajir county on Monday, July 18.

Wajir Governor Mohamed Abdi has appealed for more support in upscaling of drought interventions.

He said the drought is at the alarm stage and requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders.

The governor spoke at his office on Monday when he hosted the UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs in Wajir county.

The team planned to witness the adverse effects of the drought and assess what partners are doing on the ground to address it.

Abdi said there is a need to upscale cash transfers, provision of livestock feeds and fast moving spare parts for the strategic boreholes.

Also, fuel subsidies to strategic boreholes, nutrition commodities and water storage tanks.

He further called for the upscaling of health interventions including outreach programmes and provision of nutrition supplies to curb malnutrition and disease outbreaks.

“Livestock diseases remain a major threat to the livelihoods. We thus appeal for concerted efforts in disease control including heightened surveillance, ring vaccinations, treatments and parasite control,” Abdi said.

Officials from the UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs during a meeting with Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi at county offices on Monday, July 18.
ENHANCED COLLABORATION: Officials from the UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs during a meeting with Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi at county offices on Monday, July 18.

British High Commission Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs Nick Dyer said his country will continue working closely with the national government.

He said they will ensure that drought, which is one of the most devastating hazards does not end up destroying lives and livelihoods.

“There is need for enhanced collaboration not only from government agencies but also from non-state actors because the current situation dictates so,” Dyer said.

Wajir county is at a drought alarm phase, which is characterised by an ever-increasing number of people in need of humanitarian assistance.

The situation was worsened by four consecutive seasons of failed rains, which led to depletion of pasture, dry water pans and dams and stress on existing boreholes. 

UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs pose for a picture with Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi after a meeting at his office on Monday, July 18.
FOOD INSECURITY: UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs pose for a picture with Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi after a meeting at his office on Monday, July 18.

The June NDMA assessment report said food security is on a worsening trend with livestock, the region’s main source of livelihood, being adversely affected.

The report further states that a decline in rangeland resources including water and pasture has led to low livestock productivity across the county.

The strategic boreholes and shallow wells have also been experiencing high pressure due to human and livestock concentration.

The NDMA says owing to the dismal performance of the livestock sector, there has been a rise in malnutrition rates in the county.

This is attributed to lack of or reduced consumption of milk and other essential foods.

The situation has also exposed the population to other opportunistic diseases such as Kalazar with a number of cases enlisted in all subcounties.

Officials from the UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs hold discussions with Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi at his office on Monday, July 18.
SCARCE RESOURCES: Officials from the UK's Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs hold discussions with Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi at his office on Monday, July 18.

The governor said overconcentration of pastoralists in areas of last resort for grazing and water resources has exacerbated the fragile situation.

He said they are dealing with unresolved resource-based conflicts with neighbouring Isiolo and Marsabit counties.

“Livestock prices have rapidly reduced due to their body condition, thus affecting households’ access to disposable income and food.

"Consequently, the number of households requiring emergency food assistance and support from both state and non-state actors’ safety nets keeps increasing on daily basis as the situation degenerates,” Abdi said.

(Edited by Bilha Makokha)

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