Eastleigh flood victims benefit from foodstuffs donation

Several Nairobi residents were affected by heavy rains that caused flooding in various parts of the City.

In Summary
  • Yusuf who was present at the initiative said it is human to have good Kenyans to support their own through giving.
  • During the distribution, Yusuf regretted that the raging floods witnessed in the past few days have left devastating effects on families and school-going children. 
Kamukunji MP Yusuf Hassan and Faras General Manager Allan Maimbu at Zawadi Primary School in Eastleigh
Kamukunji MP Yusuf Hassan and Faras General Manager Allan Maimbu at Zawadi Primary School in Eastleigh

Victims of floods in Eastleigh, Nairobi were handed relief after a taxi-hailing app donated foodstuffs to support them as they recover from devastating losses caused by heavy rains.

Those affected by floods in Eastleigh are communities residing in Majengo, Kitui Village, Blue Estate in Pumwani, Shauri Moyo Ward, Kinyago, Kanuku, and City Carton in California Ward, as well as Mugunda, Mlolongo, Motherland, and Kiambiu in Eastleigh South.

Kamukunji Member of Parliament Yusuf Hassan on Saturday joined officials of the taxi firm Faras in donating foodstuffs worth Sh4 million.

Yusuf who was present at the initiative said it is human to have good Kenyans to support their own through giving.

"I welcomed the donation by Faras, noting, “today they [Faras] have donated food for 1,000 households, which will help about 4,000 to 5,000 people for two weeks," the MP said.

Speaking at Zawadi Primary School in Eastleigh, Faras General Manager, Allan Maimbu, underscored the need for corporates to support those in need.

“As Faras, we believe that our success as a company is deeply intertwined with the well-being of the communities we serve,” Maimbu said.

He announced that they had immediately established a platform enabling its customers to donate to help those affected by floods.

Early this month, MP Yusuf Hassan distributed food supplies to over 1,000 people displaced by floods in the constituency. 

During the distribution, Yusuf regretted that the raging floods witnessed in the past few days have left devastating effects on families and school-going children. 

He has also called upon stakeholders to come and offer help to children severely affected by floods, especially during this time that they are preparing to open schools next week.

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