Isiolo cabinet, chief officers sign performance contracts

Governor Guyo tells officers effective delivery of services to residents will not to be comprised whatsoever.

In Summary
  • Guyo told the officers to ensure value for money, enhance accountability and drive performance  in their departments.
  • The governor will use the performance contracts to measure individual performance against negotiated targets.
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo signs performance contracts of his cabient and chief officers in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo signs performance contracts of his cabient and chief officers in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Image: ICG

It won’t be business as usual for top officials of the county government of Isiolo.

Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo on Thursday put his cabinet and chief officers to task by signing performance contracts.

He told his officers that effective delivery of services to residents was not to be comprised whatsoever.

“What we have witnessed is a very serious activity. The terms and the contents of these documents were negotiated with each one of us, so there should be no reason why the results that we are looking for cannot be achieved,” Guyo said.

He reminded them of the oath they took while being sworn in and emphasised upholding integrity and discipline.

“Each one of you, be it a CEC, a chief officer or director you have your job cut out. You know what is required of you at all times. You should remain professional and adhere to set standards,” Guyo noted.

The cabinet members include Lawrence Mwongela  (Tourism, Trade, Cooperatives and Enterprise Development) , Yusuf Dahir (Lands and Peace and Conflict Resolution Affairs), while Yussuf Mohamed Galgalo heads the Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries docket alongside Special Programmess.

Alio Wario Sarite is the CEC for  Water, Sanitation, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources; Aileen Kajuju heads Education, Youth, Sports, Culture and Social Services and  Abdullahi Banticha is the CEC for Finance and Economic Planning.

Dade Boru is the county secretary while Hashim Mohamed Abdi is the county attorney.

Deputy Governor James Lowasa also serves as the CEC for Health.

Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo hands over a signed performance contract to his deputy, James Lowasa in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo hands over a signed performance contract to his deputy, James Lowasa in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Image: ICG
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo signing performance contracts of his cabient and chief officers as his deputy, James Lowasa looks on in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo signing performance contracts of his cabient and chief officers as his deputy, James Lowasa looks on in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Image: ICG

Isiolo has 31 chief officers who were vetted and approved by the county assembly.

County chief officers are authorised to delegate power and are answerable to the county executive committee member in their respective dockets.

Their key functions include the day-to-day administration of departmental activities and the provision of strategic policy direction for effective service delivery within the departments they are assigned to.

They also implement policies and programmes within departments.

While CEC are equivalent to Cabinet Secretaries in the national government, chief officers are equivalent to Principal Secretaries.

The power to deploy a county public officer within a department is vested in the county chief officer.

Governor  Guyo told the officers to ensure value for money, enhance accountability and drive performance  in their departments.

"We must get out of our comfort zone and seek for funds so that we achieve on our mandate. You must deliver, its the only option," Guyo added.

The governor will use the performance contracts to measure individual performance against negotiated targets, which will enhance accountability and drive performance.

Guyo explained to the officials that his boss, who are the residents of Isiolo, expect nothing short of  easy access and provision of county services.

“You all saw the pressure President William Ruto put on his Cabinet to perform. I have the same pressure from Isiolo residents who expect nothing short of what I promised in my manifesto,” he said.

The county assembly passed Governor Guyo’s first budget of Sh5.1 billion for the current financial year 2023-2024.

The budget comprises recurrent expenditure of Sh3.5 billion and development of Sh1.5 billion.

Budget priority areas are livestock, investment in surface and underground water resources, road infrastructure network, health, tourism promotion and education.

Governor Guyo hopes to transform the county into a great economic hub.

He said under his leadership, his administration will focus on boosting the county’s economy.

Guyo has already made various engagements with some Cabinet Secretaries and President Ruto on the specific areas to focus on.

At the moment, works are ongoing to complete the Isiolo export abattoir.

Residents had earlier lamented the delayed completion of the facility that will process 474,000 animals annually, offering a favourable and reliable market for livestock products while also creating jobs for youths.

Guyo said that redesigning work at the abattoir will ensure it meets the required international standards before handing it over to a private investor.

Also, works are underway to complete Isiolo modern market.

"The market is supposed to be a business place to over 500 traders but it had stalled. Works are underway to complete the Sh545 million market before the year ends," Guyo said.

There are plans to upgrade Isiolo County Teaching and Referral Hospital to a Level 5 facility.

This was confirmed by the President Ruto during his visit in June.

Governor Guyo has also lobbied for the operationalisation of Isiolo International Airport.

This caught President William Ruto's attention and currently, the Isiolo airport runway is being expanded to allow planes to carry enough luggage. 

Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo, his cabinet and chief officers after signing performance contracts in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo, his cabinet and chief officers after signing performance contracts in Mombasa on September 21, 2023
Image: ICG
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