Kitui encourages product value-addition for better prices

Value of local commodities will be increased through processing, packaging and branding

In Summary

• The move is in line with Governor Charity Ngilu’s wealth creation agenda.

• The county government is also training youth to help farmers add value to their produce. 

Temi Mutia (C), a value chain and value addition expert, inspects cabbages grown by members of the Ithui Bidii Green Growers Self-help Group at Katakani market in Kyuso on Monday
PRODUCE: Temi Mutia (C), a value chain and value addition expert, inspects cabbages grown by members of the Ithui Bidii Green Growers Self-help Group at Katakani market in Kyuso on Monday
Image: Musembi Nzengu

The Kitui government is emphasising the need to add value to mangoes, honey, green grams and other products from the county to attract better prices locally and internationally.

Temi Mutia, a value chain and value addition specialist in the office of Governor Charity Ngilu, said this would be achieved through processing, packaging and branding.

“The idea is to ensure that our products attract better prices not only locally and regionally, but also internationally. This is in line with the governor’s wealth creation for economic empowerment agenda as contained in her pre-election manifesto,” he said.


Mutia spoke on Monday at Katakani trading centre in Kyuso where he held a meeting with members of Ithui Bidii Green Growers Self-help Group.  He said farm gate prices for agricultural products are too low compared to processed products.

“Our governor is keen on ensuring that farmers and all people engaged in production do not sell their products cheaply. The governor wants to see the value of our mangoes, honey, green grams and other products increase through packaging and branding and other value addition processes,” Mutia said.

He said since mangoes are grown across Kitui, their value can be added by drying them to produce flakes and flour besides making juice and wine.

Mutia said packaging and branding of green grams is also a top priority for the county government.

The county government is also training youth to help farmers add value to their produce. 

Mutia praised the Ithui Bidii Green Growers Self-help Group for being pioneers in the export of horticultural produce, including chillies. “If other groups follow on your footsteps, then Kitui will become a very rich county.” 

He pledged the county government support to the group in the establishment of a cold room and a solar drier for their produce to ensure they have a long shelf life.


Edited by A.N

Temi Mutia, a value chain and value addition expert, shares mango flakes with members of the Ithui Bidii Green Growers Self-help Group at Katakani market in Kyuso on Monday
VALUE ADDITION: Temi Mutia, a value chain and value addition expert, shares mango flakes with members of the Ithui Bidii Green Growers Self-help Group at Katakani market in Kyuso on Monday
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