
Joho slams leaders over taxes, says Kenyans are suffering

He says the Finance Bill, 2024, should be rejected by all MPs

by The Star

Coast16 June 2024 - 09:49

In Summary

• Joho said those in power today only want to bulldoze issues that selfishly benefit them at the expense of the suffering Kenyans.

• He said Kenya needs everyone to come together and pull in one direction to cushion the masses from the high cost of living.

ODM deputy party leader Hassan Joho at Ummu Kulthum mosque in Mombasa on Sunday.

It is a shame national leaders play the biggest part in sabotaging the country’s economy, ODM deputy party leader Hassan Joho said on Sunday.

The former Mombasa governor said leading the nation is not a walk in the park and needs sober minds and clear attainable vision.

“I can confidently say here today that the model being applied in Kenya today has never worked anywhere else in the world,” Joho said.

He spoke at Ummu Kulthum mosque, where some Muslims leaders gathered for Eid-ul-Adha prayers.

Joho said those in power today only want to bulldoze issues that selfishly benefit them at the expense of suffering Kenyans.

He said Kenya, at this moment, needs everyone to come together and pull in one direction to cushion the masses from the high cost of living instead of pushing the cost even higher.

“Especially in Parliament, we want to see MPs who will sit and speak for and on behalf of the people of Kenya. They should not play a part in sabotaging the economy and the country,” Joho said.

He said this is not the time to move along hardline party stances but listen to the voice of the people.

The ODM deputy party leader said governments are supposed to facilitate growth of business all over the world.

“If you take any action that is to the contrary, like taking legal steps that will cause closure of businesses, then you will be part of the saboteurs,” he said.

“You may be in a position where people will be afraid to tell you the truth but through your role in the closure of businesses in Kenya, you take part in sabotaging the country’s economy."

“So what you are doing is to make our people poorer every day. What is your intention? Do you want people to remain poor so you can continue ruling them?” Joho posed.

On Sunday, he said the government should empower people so they can grow their business.

“If you look at statistics, how many new businesses have been opened and how many old ones have been shut down. It is very clear,” Joho said.

He called out those that have given the situation a blind eye, saying they are deliberately doing it for their own selfish gains.

He urged President William Ruto and the MPs to act dutifully and faithfully to the people who voted them in.

“For once, listen to the voices of the people. People are talking but you don’t hear. I don’t know what has been done to you. Are your ears full of dirt?” Joho posed.

He said the Finance Bill, 2024, should be rejected by all MPs, not only opposition MPs.

He said many businesses have been closed and the Bill, if passed, will lead to the closure of many more.

“This is not about ODM only. It is about the survival of Kenyans. People should move out of the shadow of political parties and do what the people they represent want them to do,” Joho said.

However, UDA nominated Senator Miraj Abdillahi said leaders should not turn a blind eye on the efforts the government is putting to ensure there is more development across the country.

She spoke in Likoni where she slaughtered three bulls and distributed the meat to families in Likoni and part of Kisauni.

Senator Abdillahi said opposition leaders are quick to barrage the government with criticism over taxes but slow to acknowledge where these taxes go.

“Those leaders talking, do they explain that their NG-CDF kitties have been given additional Sh30 million? Do they explain to the people that the ceiling has been increased to Sh3.4 trillion because of the additional funds to their kitties?” she posed.

The nominated senator accused opposition leaders, especially those from the Coast, of being insincere and telling their people half-truths.

“Those leaders talking, what have they done to cushion the people of the Coast from the high cost of living? What have they championed to help the Coastal people live on their own lands without the threat of eviction?” Abdillahi posed.

She said no taxes will be collected to benefit individuals.

Abdillahi said the cost of living is not high because MPs love their parties.

“Last year, counties got Sh385 billion, in the next fiscal year, they will get Sh401 billion. This means spending will increase and this increment must be sourced from somewhere,” she said.

The senator said MPs should stop being hypocritical and focus on representing the people who voted them in.

“All they say is the national government increases tax. That is hypocritical!” Abdillahi said.


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