
Thousands of flood victims in Tana Delta appeal for relief

About 10 schools have completely been submerged and children have not reported to school to date


Counties20 May 2024 - 05:57

In Summary

  • The worst hit area is Kipini West, where villages where completely submerged.
  • About 10 schools have been submerged and children have not reported as the learning facilities are completely inaccessible.
An IDP camp at Marafa in Kipini West ward, Tana Delta

Thousands of Tana Delta subcounty residents in Tana River county need relief food, fresh water and shelter after the flood disaster swept away their houses.

The worst hit area is Kipini West, where villages where completely submerged and residents were forced to seek refuge in neighbouring villages that are on safer grounds where they have established camps.

Others have established camps within the area where there are no flood waters to temporarily stay with their families.

The road to Chara is completely cut off and there is no public transport except boda bodas, which can only reach a certain area with difficulty making costs of transport expensive.

About 10 schools have been submerged and children have not reported as the learning facilities are completely inaccessible.

Journalists toured some of the villages in Kipini West and came face to face with the effects of the disaster. Victims including the young, old, elderly the sick aare forced to crowd in the same shelter and sleep on the ground.

Already there are reports of water-borne diseases as locals drink water directly from the flooded river. Where they sleep they are exposed to mosquitoes.

At Marafa internal displaced people's camp Hassan Galgalo, a resident of Kipini West, said the situation was bad as Marafa village hosted seven other villages including Mwanja, Odole, Mbelezoni, Darga, Shirikisho and Samicha.

Galgalo said it was sad that the national and county governments had not intervened since the disaster hit the area two weeks ago after dams overflowed.

“Recently, when Mai Mahiu disaster struck the whole world gathered there including the President. Who have we wronged as residents of Kipini West and Tana Delta. Have we wronged God?” he said.

The Kenya Red Cross is registering victims while other NGOs are visiting the affected families but no support has been given to them so far.

“These people are going through a difficult time. The congested camp has over 1,000 houses. We also have camps in Chamwanamuma, Anasa, Semicaro, Mandingo up to Bura Amani. People have moved from their homes, the whole area is flooded. Why is the government not helping them,” Galgalo said.

He called on the county government to intervene as their efforts have not been seen ever since the disaster struck.

If the dams are not able to contain the water upstream, the government should build 10 more to prevent such disasters in future.

Shono Bawatha, a displaced person from Samicha currently camping at Marafa, said since they relocated to the camp two weeks ago they have not received any help from the government.

She said it was only the Kenya Red Cross that visited and registered them but they do not have food, clean water, mosquito nets and proper shelter.

“Our problems now are food and nets. There is also no water. We drink from the river. Water purifiers are not available, so there is no one who has access to fresh water,” she said.

Halima Yesse, an IDP from Semicaro, said her seven-acre farm with crops that were nearing maturity was swept away by floods.

“All my crops have been destroyed. I have not seen any government officials, no MCA, now am just praying to God. There is nothing that I have been left with,” she said.

Elema Komoro from Marafa blamed the flood disaster on the government for releasing water from the dams upstream.

He said the county and national governments had not supported them in any way even though they were suffering with no clean water, food, mosquito nets and proper shelter.

“Where is the Kenya Kwanza Government, the county government? Since the floods, we have not seen the governor of Tana River visiting the flood victims. Where is the MP? I do not think we have one,” he said.

 Ibrahim Balesa from Samicha village said the government should urgently support the families with relief food as the situation is worsening each day and they have no food.

Ijema Hassan from Odole village said they have been in the IDP camp for weeks after they lost all their animals and to date they have not received any help from the government.

Abdula Gobu an IDP from Alangokareyu who is now camping at Manono IDP camp called on well wishers and the government to assist them .

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