Counties to know all their assets, liabilities in 29 days

PS Mbaika says all fixed assets, regardless of the availability of the ownership documents, shall be valued

In Summary

• Mbaika said those who have grabbed county assets will be exposed after the completion of the exercise, and the due process of the law will then follow.

• Mombasa Deputy Governor Francis Thoya said the transfer is long overdue.

Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika at Mombasa governor's office on Monday.
Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika at Mombasa governor's office on Monday.


In 29 days, 30 counties will ascertain their riches after the assets and liabilities valuation exercise is complete.

Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika on Monday launched assets and liabilities valuation for counties, which will be closely monitored by the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC). The launch was at the Mombasa government headquarters.

She said those who have grabbed county assets will be exposed and due process of the law will then follow.

“This exercise will expose whether that [grabbing] has taken place,” Mbaika said.

She urged counties to support the valuation drive by cooperating with the teams on the ground.

“All the fixed assets, regardless of the availability of the ownership documents, shall be valued by our teams for transfer,” PS Mbaika said.

The counties where valuation is being done are Mombasa, Kwale, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Tana River, Nyeri, Murang’a, Kitui, Machakos, Nairobi, Kiambu, Kajiado and Uasin Gishu.

Others are Nakuru, Trans Nzoia, Bomet, Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia, Kisumu, Homa Bay, Kisii, Garissa, Isiolo, Laikipia, Kirinyaga, Nandi, Turkana, Makueni and Nyandarua.

Mombasa Deputy Governor Francis Thoya said the transfer is long overdue.

He was the Mombasa lands executive when the process started in 2013. He then rose to become the county secretary and chaired a similar committee and now he is the deputy governor.

“But the exercise is still the same, trying to decipher the assets of the county from those of the national government. But I have faith finally it will end in 29 days,” Thoya said.

He said it is impossible to know the richness of a county without knowing its assets and liabilities.

“Our balance sheet cannot be completed if we don’t know our assets and their worth,” Thoya said.

He said knowing the assets and liabilities will help counties when seeking loans from development partners.

“You cannot secure a loan if you cannot show that you have something that can stand as security,” Thoya said.

He said Mombasa county’s assets have been grabbed by individuals and entities.

“In Jomvu, a material recovery facility, which was given to the defunct municipal council, has been grabbed by individuals. The only thing now remaining is a small house, which has also been fenced,” Thoya said.

Mbaika said the valuation is expected to achieve three main objectives.

They include safeguarding and securing proprietary ownership of the assets of national and county governments, to confer the county governments’ legal ownership of the registrable assets of the defunct local authorities and assets of the national government relating to devolved functions. This will provide data for the update of county asset registers for accounting purposes in compliance with National Treasury guidelines on assets and liabilities management.

Mbaika said valuation of movable assets, including vehicles, has been concluded and the IGRTC is working on modalities to immediately effect the transfers to county governments.

“We are committed to ensuring the legal transfer of those motor vehicles is concluded within the set timelines,” the PS said.

Monday marked the start of the second phase of valuating fixed assets, lands and buildings.

Valuers from the Lands ministry are leading the drive in collaboration with county governments, led by county secretaries.

The PS urged counties to support the exercise by availing all ownership documents and relevant information.

She said the Kenya Kwanza regime is committed to fully supporting county governments to achieve their full potential through adequately financing.

The PS said they started with 30 counties because of shortage of human resource, especially the valuers.

She, however, said once the 30 counties are done, the other 17 will commence immediately.

The Transition Authority had an inventory of all the assets in the counties back then and although the status might have changed, once all is established, due process will take place.

She warned against complacency.

“The people who have been facilitated by government to undertake this, and you are not on the ground working, please return my money so that we facilitate another person to go work,” Mbaika warned.

The Devolution and Lands ministries, Council of Governors and National Land Commission have been in the process for the last one year.

Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika in Mombasa governor's office on Monday.
Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika in Mombasa governor's office on Monday.
Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika at Mombasa governor's office on Monday.
Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika at Mombasa governor's office on Monday.
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