Why Ruto directed parastatal chiefs to publicise government development agenda

35 parastatal chairs are actively pushing government agenda and helping communities at the grassroots

In Summary
  • Members have been contributing money from their own pockets towards the Sh1 million shilling-a month bursary kitty
  • They are planning to distribute Sh7 million to seven counties by the end of the year
Council of Chairpersons members at Shanzu in Mombasa on Saturday.
SPEAKING TO THE PEOPLE Council of Chairpersons members at Shanzu in Mombasa on Saturday.


The Council of Chairpersons of Parastatals has embarked on a mission to popularise government activities and promote education across the country.

This is to complement the work done by the Cabinet Secretaries in publicising the Kenya Kwanza agenda throughout the country.

The council which has 350 chairpersons has been moving round the country explaining to the public, what parastatals and parent ministries are doing on the ground.

Currently, some 35 members are active in this mission. However, more have expressed interest in joining.

For the past five months, they have been to Western Nyanza, Eastern and Coast region popularizing the government agenda.

At the same time, the council has been issuing school fee bursaries to needy students.

Members have been contributing money from their own pockets towards the Sh1 million shilling-a-month bursary kitty.

Chairperson Irungu Nyakera said Mombasa is the fifth county they have visited since the launch of the programme.

Other counties they have visited include, Murang’a, Bungoma, Machakos, Homa Bay.

Next month the council will be in Garissa for the same exercise and on December 9, they will visit another county.

The members are planning to distribute Sh7 million to seven counties by the end of the year.

“Education and health top Kenya Kwanza government's agenda. We have realised that many children want to go to school but are unable due to lack of school fees,” Nyakera said.

In Mombasa, 300 secondary school students in Kisauni benefitted from the Sh1 million bursaries.

Those who missed out have been urged to register so as to be in the database for consideration.

Kenya Maritime Authority chairman Hamisi Mwaguya said education in Mombasa is a top agenda and the government is working hard to ensure that the standards in Mombasa improve.

He said improving education just like improving the economy is not an instant event and has to take some time.

“We are going through tough times as a nation and we have to be patient as the government tries to jumpstart the economy. Things will be tough for now but the situation will ease gradually,” Mwaguya said.

He urged Kenyans to be patient with the government as it works hard to ensure the country gets back to the right economic path.

He said as things improve, the chairpersons will also be able to increase the monthly kitty to help more people.

“For now, we can only reach where we can, according to our economic abilities. This is something we are doing from our own individual pockets,” he said.

He said the initiative will make people at the grassroots aware of what the government is doing for them.

“State corporations are the last mile of service delivery for the government. For instance, Kenya Power distributes electricity to citizens, Kemsa supplies medicines and drugs. So we have better connectivity with the people at the grassroots,” Mwaguya said.

Kenya Ports Authority chairman Benjamin Tayari said they also aim to tackle different social issues troubling various communities.

“We have been going to regions helping the communities with their different social needs,” Tayari said.

Tayari who spoke in Shanzu said the major issue the area has is lack of school fees.

Lapsset chairman Ali Mbogo said Kisauni has been battling juvenile gang problems for a long time following the high school dropout numbers.

“Kisauni has a high school dropout rate because of lack of school fees and drugs abuse. These children are forced to drop out and are eventually lured into the juvenile gangs by circumstances," he said.

“That is why we are trying as much as possible to help them get back to school through the Elimu Kwanza programme."

Mbogo said most attacks on the government are because people are not aware of the initiatives.

“That is why you hear issues coming up every now and then, sometimes very false issues that can only be raised because of lack of information or knowledge,” he said.

Lapsset chair Ali Mbogo at Shanzu on Saturday
ADDRESING THE PEOPLE Lapsset chair Ali Mbogo at Shanzu on Saturday
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