Kwale illegal scrap dealers, livestock thieves warned

Oyagi says the cases are rampant in Kinango and Samburu subcounties.

In Summary

• He said officers are investigating unscrupulous metal dealers to bring to book those behind the heightened vandalism incidences in the county.

• Oyagi directed security teams to embrace the Nyumba Kumi initiative to effectively combat criminal activities in the area.

Kwale county commissioner Gideon Oyagi
Kwale county commissioner Gideon Oyagi
Image: FILE

Kwale county commissioner Gideon Oyagi has warned illegal scrap metal dealers and livestock thieves will be arrested and prosecuted.

In the past few months, Kwale has recorded increased cases of vandalism and livestock theft. 

The county commissioner said vandals seeking scrap metal target streetlights, power cables, road signage and water pipes.

Oyagi said the cases are rampant in Kinango and Samburu subcounties.

"We have cases of vandalism where some people are destroying water projects," he said.

Oyagi said security officials are alert and will not allow any form of criminal activity to thrive in the area.

He said officers are investigating unscrupulous metal dealers to bring to book those behind the heightened vandalism incidences in the county.

Oyagi said law enforcers strongly believe the thieves have an illegal market for the stolen property, which the officers are yet to establish.

Recently, Puma chief Saum Luvuno said the area has experienced increased cases of vandalism of development projects.

The administrator said the stolen water pipes and metals are sold in Samburu, where there is a ready market.

Oyagi said the days of the perpetrators are numbered as law will take its course.

The administrator said they have set proper measures to ensure all critical infrastructure in the county is protected.

"We have taken the issue very seriously and will do what it takes to protect lives and property," he said.

Oyagi said the officers have launched investigations into the problem of animal theft and have made great strides.

Unknown men have been stealing residents' livestock during the night.

Oyagi directed security teams to embrace the Nyumba Kumi initiative to effectively combat criminal activities in the area.

He urged residents to provide them with crucial information that might lead to the arrest of culprits.

"We have enough problems of drought, let's not worsen the situation by increasing the suffering of innocent people," he said.

Edited by A.N

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