Lamu’s governor aspirant Umra ditches UDA for Safina

Says the move gives her ample time to focus on her ‘Lamu Moja’ campaign strategy

In Summary
  • Omar mentioned questionable integrity and political sideshows in Kenya Kwanza Alliance as her reasons for decamping to Safina.

  • In a recent campaign rally in Lamu, the Kenya Kwanza team led by Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula and Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki endorsed former Lamu governor Issa Timamy as their preferred governor candidate.

Gubernatorial aspirant Umra Omar of Safina party
Gubernatorial aspirant Umra Omar of Safina party

Lamu’s only female gubernatorial aspirant Umra Omar has announced her exit from UDA, citing favouritism.

Speaking on Tuesday, Omar mentioned questionable integrity and political sideshows in Kenya Kwanza Alliance as her reasons for decamping to Safina.

She said the new move gives her ample time to focus on her ‘Lamu Moja’ campaign strategy that aims to unifying the people and foster peace.

“I have decided to part ways with UDA and the Kenya Kwanza Alliance because there are a lot of sideshows and they are focusing more on national politics," Omar said.

"We also have questions about the integrity of the Kenya Kwanza team and to safeguard our integrity and dignity, we’ve opted to move away and focus on Lamu Moja."

She said her campaigns focus more on the needs of the Lamu people with a view to ensure the residents are engaged directly in national politics.

“The focus is the county, we want to ensure people are not divided because of politics. The aim is to ensure unity before and after elections,” she said.

In a recent campaign rally in Lamu, the Kenya Kwanza team led by Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula and Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki endorsed former Lamu governor Issa Timamy as their preferred governor candidate.

Omar, however, says she is unfazed by the move and she is ready to square it out with anyone.

“I chose the Safina party because its non-partisan. My opponents, lets meet at the ballot but in the meantime, let us spread peace,”she said.

Omar has picked former Lamu West MP Julius Ndegwa as her running mate.

Ndegwa has been a life member of the Safina and was at one time elected councillor for Mpeketoni Central ward.

Omar will now face the incumbent Fahim Twaha of Jubilee party, ex-governor Issa Timamy of ANC and former deputy governor Eric Mugo of The Service Party.

(Edited by Tabnacha O)

Gubernatorial aspirant Umra Omar
Gubernatorial aspirant Umra Omar
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