Form 4 girl hangs herself at Ganze school

Used bedsheet , girl was quiet and reserved but suicide motive not established

In Summary

• The girl was discovered Friday morning, used bedsheet to hang herself. 

•  Kilifi counsellors and psychologists chairman Vespus Chenja said many suicides related to mental illness. Tells people not to visit witchdoctors. 

Crime scene.
SUICIDE: Crime scene.

 A Form 4 student at Ganze Girls High School committed suicide by hanging herself from a bedsheet.

The body was discovered at 4am on Friday, the sheet was tied to a clothesline crossbar.

Ganze subcounty police commander Timothy Muasya said the motive was not established.

The school said she reported on Tuesday but did not express any concerns or problems.

“The girl is always quiet and reserved. She hardly speaks even to her friends. We are yet to establish why she took that action,” a school staff member said.

Cases of suicide in Kilifi are on the rise.

On Thursday, a nine-year-old boy committed suicide in Malindi subcounty.

Kilifi county counsellors and psychologists chairman Vespus Chenja said many suicide cases are related to mental and emotional problems.

Many deaths could be avoided if people opened up about their problems and ended the culture of shame and silence.

“We have many mental health problems not only in Kaloleni but also  in Kilifi county as a whole. Many times people  associate mental problems with witchcraft because sometimes people see and hear things that do not exist," the expert said.

When people commit suicide, residence call it shula moyo, which is witchcraft, Chenga said.

He urged residents to consider working with psychologists instead of witchdoctors to treat mental health issues.

Chenja led a team of cyclists and skaters to sensitise residents of Mariakani and Kaloleni on mental health issues. The team was flagged off at Mariakani Subcounty Hospital.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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