Don't sit back, go after opportunities – PWDs urged

PWD chairman at NCCK said most members are learned but afraid to go after opportunities.

In Summary
  • PWD chairman at NCCK pastor Geoffrey Wanyoike, however, pointed out that the fear probably starts at home when parents and next of kin hide them.
  • A member of the PWD, Susan Wanja, said at this age and time, some families with children abled differently and siblings have never accepted them.
People living with disabilities and who are members of the NCCK follow proceedings of their meeting in Limuru sub county, June 11, 2024.
People living with disabilities and who are members of the NCCK follow proceedings of their meeting in Limuru sub county, June 11, 2024.

The church has asked People Living with Disabilities not to sit back and wait for opportunities.

The National Council of Churches of Kenya has decried that a lot of them fear what people will think of them if they sought for opportunities and positions in society.

PWD chairman at NCCK pastor Geoffrey Wanyoike challenged the people with different abilities to go for opportunities and positions once they are available.

He said despite most of them being learned, a lot of their chances have gone because they do not go after them.

“You must rise and position yourself to take up positions for which you are qualified,” he said.

Wanyoike, however, pointed out that the fear probably starts at home when parents and next of kin hide them.

“Do not hide children or relatives who have disabilities and instead give them opportunities to identify and nurture their talents and gifts,” he added.

Wanyoike urged the families with people abled diffently to love them since they are God’s gift.

“Let us always be inspired and guided by the provision of Article 54 (1) (a) of the Constitution of Kenya, which states, "A person with any disability is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and to be addressed and referred to in a manner that is not demeaning.” 

Wanyoike spoke at Jumuiya Conference and Country Home in Limuru, where the NCCK and the PWDs Pre Assembly was held and guided by the theme 'Redefining Disability, Recognising and Appreciating Disabilities'.

A member of the PWD, Susan Wanja, said at this age and time, some families with children abled differently and siblings have never accepted them.

“We have rescued many of them. We keep sensitising the society that we are human beings. We only need to be natured, loved, encouraged and shown concern,” she said.

Wanja revealed that many of their members have lost hope due to mistreatment.

However, Wanyoike, urged elected leaders as well as civil servants and people working in private sectors who live with disabilities to be visiting such people to encourage them.

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