State printer seeks Sh3.6bn for equipment upgrade

The entity owes its suppliers and service providers an estimated Sh975.9 million in cash and cash equivalents.

In Summary

•The Legislators wanted to know what would come first and how much they will need to modernize the Government Printer.

•The Printer says the additional budget allocation is necessary in order to upgrade their computers and Computer-to-plate machines which they claim are outdated thus affecting their efficiency in service delivery to clients.

Members of the Departmental Committee on Adminstration and Internal Security when they toured the Government Press
Members of the Departmental Committee on Adminstration and Internal Security when they toured the Government Press

The Government Printer now wants an additional Sh3.6 billion-budget allocation from the National Treasury to upgrade its equipment that dates back to the 1930s.

The printer says the additional funds will go towards upgrading computers and computer-to-plate machines, which they say, are outdated thus affecting their service delivery.

Government Printer senior deputy, Geoffrey Runoh made the appeal to Parliament’s Committee on Administration and Internal security chaired by Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo, during an inspection visit to the facility on Thursday.

Runoh said that currently, both the system application and workflow software are outdated hence there is need to employ advanced security printing software.

" Forgery, duplication, fraud, counterfeiting and falsification of security documents has drastically increased due to outsourcing of printed security documents," said Runoh.

A report by the Auditor General dated November 1, 2021 shows that more than 70 per cent of the printing machines and equipment that are currently in operation were acquired between 1930s and 1980s

The committee visited the proofreading, lithographic section, and county legislation sections.

They also visited the paper conversion, Engineering, the Mono/Limo section, letterpress and binding sections.

The MPs sough to know what should come first and how much is needed to modernise the Government Printer.

The Government Printer, Abdi Hassan Ali said that they would start by revamping and upgrading the machines and that would cost Sh3.5 billion in the 2024/25 Financial year.

“From this visit, we are convinced that you really need the funds," said the committee vice chairperson Rasso Dido Ali.

The visit was prompted by a 2022 audit by the Auditor General after it emerged that the entity owes its suppliers and service providers an estimated Sh975.9 million in cash and cash equivalents.


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