Engineer Mativo appointed Ketraco MD

Mativo takes the mantle for a period of three years.

In Summary

•The position had remained vacant since 1st of February 2022 when the then managing director Fernandes Baraza resigned to pursue a political career.

•Antony Wamukota steered the company’s operations as managing director in an acting capacity to January 2023.

Engineer John Mativo has been appointed the Managing Director & CEO of Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO).
Engineer John Mativo has been appointed the Managing Director & CEO of Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO).

John Mativo has been appointed the Managing Director & CEO of Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco) effective April 24th, 2023.

Mativo takes the mantle for a period of 3 years.

This draws to an end the secondment of Engineer Isaac Kiva who was in January appointment the acting managing director at the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company.

An internal memo seen by the Star from chair of the board of directors to Ketraco staff confirmed the appointment.

“This is to inform you that Eng. John Muoki Mativo has been appointed as the company’s managing director and CEO,” read the letter.

It says the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum appointed Mativo following a successful competitive recruitment process.

The position has been vacant since February 1, 2022 after the managing director Fernandes Baraza resigned to contest the Kakamega County governorship. He beat Cleophas Malala to clinch the seat.

Antony Wamukota then steered the company’s operations as managing director in an acting capacity to January 2023.

Energy Cabinet Secretary Davies Chirchir later appointed Kiva, from the 27th of January 2023.

Following the appointment, Kiva reverts to his former role as the Secretary Renewable Energy at the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum.

According to the board, Mativo brings on-board skills in leadership and management of resources having served the company since 2010. He has worked for 25 years in the public and private sector.

He takes over the company at the height of reforms in the energy sector geared towards reducing the cost of power.

In his new role he will oversee the formulation and implementation of the company’s Fourth Strategic Plan 2023/2028.

He holds a doctorate degree in civil engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japan, a masters degree in Structural engineering from Tongji University in China, a degree from University of Nairobi. 


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