Consumer protection lobby raise alarm over meat standards

A significant number of slaughterhouses are operating without regular inspections

In Summary

• Some leading retail chains have been selling to innocent consumer’s meat sourced from unlicensed slaughter houses.

•This exposes Kenyans to potential health challenges, including Salmonella, among other complications.

Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi and Joyce Gichuru, the chief grader in charge of production at Kenya Meat Commission in Kibarani
Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi and Joyce Gichuru, the chief grader in charge of production at Kenya Meat Commission in Kibarani

Kenya Consumer Organization has raised concerns with the quality of meat that is coming from the slaughterhouses across Kenya.

KCO is sounding the alarm on the potential health risks posed by these unsanitary facilities, and is now calling upon the Kenyan government to take immediate action to rectify this situation.

In a recent investigations conducted by the protection firm they have revealed shocking deficiencies in hygiene standards and food safety practices at numerous meat slaughterhouses across the country.

The organisation says these shortcomings raise serious concerns about the safety of poultry products consumed by Kenyan citizens.

“Many slaughterhouses were found to have inadequate sanitation practices, including the improper disposal of waste, leading to the risk of contamination and disease transmission,” reads a report released by KCO.

From the report it is emerging that a significant number of slaughterhouses are operating without regular inspections, oversight, or adherence to food safety regulations.

This has exposed the meat to unsafe handling especially of poultry, including inadequate refrigeration and storage.

In a press statement, KCO CEO Churchill Omondi explained that the agency recognizes the critical importance of food safety in safeguarding the health and well-being of the Kenyan population.

“We are urgently calling on the Kenyan government to conduct thorough inspections of all meat slaughterhouses and ensure strict adherence to food safety standards and launch an awareness campaign to educate consumers about the importance of safe poultry products and how to identify products from certified sources,” he said.

It was noted that some leading retail chains have been selling to innocent consumers meat sourced from unlicensed slaughter houses.

"The safety and well-being of consumers are paramount to us. We cannot allow unsanitary conditions in poultry slaughterhouses to jeopardize public health. We call upon the Kenyan government to take swift and decisive action to address this issue and protect the rights and health of all consumers."

On 14th June the Permanent Secretary for trade officially launched the Kenya Consumer Advisory Committee (KECOPAC). The committee is mandated to protect the rights of Kenyan consumers.

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