Mwangi Githahu


BIO: Freelance writer at various publications in Cape Town and Nairobi since 2016

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I’d swap State Houses for hotels if I were President

On many trips, the US President stays at hotels like the rest of us

Toast to small wins in fight against gay hate

Some lawyers are helping those blackmailed with being outed

Of Air Force crashes and speculations of foul play

The opposition has a history of doubting the government line

Proven way to ensure MPs attend Parliament

Philip Ochieng's idea of publishing roll call should be adopted widely

Leopards can’t change their spots, but chameleons…

Media flip-flop is part of chequered history behind the Kalonzo moniker

When oath of allegiance was required for passport

Paranoid government in 1991 asked one to be faithful to the republic

Generational differences in discos, booze and sex

Gen Zs are drinking, smoking and sexing less than Millennials did

Greylist is one grouping all countries battling to get off

Countries on the greylist have chosen to cooperate with the FATF to address inadequacies in efforts to counter money ...

Time to take another look at cannabis laws

We will only wake up to the opportunity when it is no longer profitable

Are we doomed to repeat past actions?

I wonder if it is mere coincidence as current events echo history

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