Poll of the day

Did the budget meet your expectations?

Did the budget meet your expectations?

Is Gachagua being frustrated?

Is Gachagua being frustrated?

Do you support one-man, one-vote, one-shilling?

Do you support one-man, one-vote, one-shilling?

Should government pay owners of buildings demolished on riparian land?

Will Malala survive as UDA secretary general?

Will Malala survive as UDA secretary general?

Are you happy with your county’s financial management?

Have you ever received a wrong HIV diagnosis?

Do you think Kenya is on the right track at 61?

Do you think Kenya is on the right track at 61?

Do you hold the hand of your spouse in public?

Do you hold the hand of your spouse in public?

Will UDA remain intact until 2027?

Will UDA remain intact until 2027?

Is Uhuru getting fair treatment from the government?

Is Uhuru getting fair treatment from the government?

Would you opt for cremation?

Would you opt for cremation?

Should muguka be banned nationally?

Should muguka be banned nationally?

Has clearance of riparian land unfairly targeted the poor?

Has clearance of riparian land unfairly targeted the poor?

Should Kenya get closer to the US?

Should Kenya get closer to the US?

Is Ruto’s US trip worth it?

Is Ruto’s US trip worth it?

Have you felt the effect of economic growth?