David Muchai LLB

Writer, Author & Content Creator at XLNC Media Inc
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Four possible weddings and a funeral

Foes become friends as floods bring people together in Jiji Ndogo

When women gang up against you

Bachelor for life is shocked as crush he enlisted for help sets his trap

It’s a government conspiracy

Floods were sent to shut down our small police post

It’s Shirley to the rescue. Or is it?

Loverboy escapes commitment to Mzungu by inviting his 'fiancée'

The kid with the large ears

A tale of cheating wives justifies prohibitive cost of DNA tests

From the pot to the fire

Smoker gives up cigarettes for longer life, only to get hit by a bus

Let there be a scare

Bachelor takes clingy bae to crime hotspot to try and freak her out

I choose you, father

A DNA test is shunned to avoid tearing the family apart

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

Makini fears being deployed 'in the line of fire of al Shabaab'

Why knead ugali?

She ditches the fork and digs in with her hands, kneading the ugali almost perfectly and dipping it into the stew.

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