How to make carrot soft layered chapatis

Some people add pumpkin, spinach or butternut to make it more delicious. But we will try with carrots.

In Summary

• In Kenya, it is mostly enjoyed with tea, coffee, curry dishes or even vegetables. What's chapati combination is your fav?

•Some people add pumpkin, spinach or butternut to make it more delicious. But in this recipe we will try with carrots.


Most of us believe that making chapati is very hard, but once you get a hang of it, everything is as easy as it gets.

Growing up, I watched my mama make very tasty chapatis on those boring Sunday evenings, where I would help out. I mastered the ‘craft’.

Chapati is an unleavened flatbread which is believed to have originated in India. In Kenya, it is mostly enjoyed with tea, coffee, curry dishes or even vegetables.

Some people add pumpkin, spinach or butternut to make it more delicious. But in this recipe, we will try with carrots.


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour plus a little more flour for kneading
  • 4 carrots, grated/ blended
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Tbsp. Sugar
  • Cooking oil
  • 1¼ Cups Water


Step 1

Combine flour, salt, grated carrots, sugar and 3 tablespoons of oil in a big bowl and mix thoroughly. Adding water a little at a time to form a soft and sticky dough.

Step 2

Find a flat surface and knead the dough for about 10 to 15 minutes, adding a bit of flour, until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Step 3

Place the kneaded dough in a bowl and cover it with a wet cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes to an hour, before going back in.

Step 4

Divide the dough into seven equal parts and roll each piece into a circle. Apply a coat of oil and fold the chapati, like you would a yoga mat, setting it aside.

Step 5

Let your chapatis rest for another 30 minutes. Then roll them back into a flat circle.

Step 6

Preheat your pan for 5 minutes then place your flatbread. Add a scoop of butter or oil, and cook your chapatis, as you would a pancake.

Step 7

Serve hot and enjoy with minji stew, your preferred curry dish of beef, chicken or vegetables.

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