Malema to Raila: Ruto was democratically elected, do not disrupt Kenya

"We need peace in Kenya."

In Summary
  • The outspoken South African politician spoke during a rally to mark the 10th anniversary of the Economic Freedom Fighters party. 

  • He further claimed that Raila is using Kenyans to cause instability in the country. 

South African politician and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters ( EFF) Julius Malema.
South African politician and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters ( EFF)  Julius Malema.

South Africa's opposition leader Julius Malema has sent a message to Kenya's opposition leader Raila Odinga. 

Malema on Saturday said Raila should stop the disruption he is causing in the country. 

"We want to make a call in Kenya, especially to comrade Raila Odinga. Stop doing what you are doing. Do not disrupt Kenya. We need peace in Kenya," Malema said. 

Malema reiterated that President William Ruto was democratically elected during the August 9 polls last year. 

He further claimed that Raila is using Kenyans to cause instability in the country. 

"I will not allow you (Raila) to use the people of Kenya to destabilise the peace of Kenya," Malema said. 

The outspoken South African politician spoke during a rally to mark the 10th anniversary of the Economic Freedom Fighters party. 

This comes as Azimio and the Kenya Kwanza faction are planning to hold talks that will put an end to the anti-government protests. 

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