Kalonzo to clergy: Speak the truth for Kenya to be healed

Said previous governments had never delayed civil servants' salaries

In Summary
  • Kalonzo said something must be grossly wrong with the Kenya Kwanza administration.
  • He spoke during a burial ceremony in Kathiani, Machakos County on Monday, April 10.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka speaking during a burial ceremony at Kathiani in Machakos County on Monday, April 10.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka speaking during a burial ceremony at Kathiani in Machakos County on Monday, April 10.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has urged the clergy to stand and speak the truth on happenings of the country so that it may be healed.

Kalonzo said something must be grossly wrong with the Kenya Kwanza administration.

“I call on the church to stand on what is truthful and just. Let’s all work together for national cohesion,” Kalonzo said.

He spoke during a burial ceremony in Kathiani, Machakos County on Monday, April 10.

Kalonzo criticised the government for being unable to pay civil servants salaries in time as expected.

“For the first time, I was Mwai Kibaki’s deputy president, we didn’t delay paying civil servants’ salaries. In fact, we used to collect 97 percent of this country’s budget locally,” Kalonzo said.

Kalonzo said teargas canisters were seriously hailed at him by police officers during Azimio’s recent protests in Nairobi.

“Kusema ukweli nilipigwa teargas mbaya sana. If I can eat teargas so that this country can be healed, so be it. Nilikua na Wetangula sasa yeye ni spika and we must always stand for what is truthful,” Kalonzo said.

He said it was their duty as leaders alongside the church for the national good during the country’s new dispensation.

Kalonzo exuded confidence in the individuals nominated by Azimio for the proposed bipartisan talks between the government and Azimio leadership.

They include Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina, Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna, Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua and Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi.

Others are Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo, Pokot South MP David PKosiny and Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo.

Kalonzo, however, said he wished Kathiani MP Robert Mbui was among the team unveiled by Azimio leader Raila Odinga at a Machakos hotel last Thursday.

“We have issued the names, our peace team. I would like Hon. Mbui to be there. Mbui is doing a good job as minority deputy leader in the National Assembly and you could see the wisdom in him,” Kalonzo said.

Kalonzo said he was proud of a team of elected political leaders from the Ukambani region, especially those elected on Wiper party tickets including Mbui since they had stood with him for many years even when in the opposition.

“If the opposition means a better future for grandchildren, then I think it will be worth it. Let Jesus resurrect in our country that has lots of problems even in our communities,” Kalonzo said.

He said peace was expensive and costly.

“To work for peace in your country or region isn’t easy,” Kalonzo said.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka with some of the elected leaders during a burial ceremony at Kathiani in Machakos County on Monday, April 10.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka with some of the elected leaders during a burial ceremony at Kathiani in Machakos County on Monday, April 10.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka converses with Machakos Health CEC Daniel Yumbya during a burial ceremony at Kathiani in Machakos County on Monday, April 10.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka converses with Machakos Health CEC Daniel Yumbya during a burial ceremony at Kathiani in Machakos County on Monday, April 10.
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