Ndindi Nyoro, MP Emase in Teso for women groups fund drive

Emase says the event is very deliberate in changing lives

In Summary
  • The fundraiser, according to Emase, aims to raise money to facilitate the establishment of women-led enterprises in the Teso South subcounty.
  • Emase who is Nyoro’s deputy in the Budget Committee on Friday said she will not tire in her quest to help the establishment of businesses particularly those led by women.
MP Ndindi Nyoro arrives in Teso, Busia county for the women groups fund drive on May 18, 2024
MP Ndindi Nyoro arrives in Teso, Busia county for the women groups fund drive on May 18, 2024
MP Ndindi Nyoro with other leaders during the women groups fund drive in Teso, Busia county on May 18, 2024
MP Ndindi Nyoro with other leaders during the women groups fund drive in Teso, Busia county on May 18, 2024

Kiharu MP and Budget Committee chair in Parliament Ndindi Nyoro and Teso South MP Mary Emase are in Teso South constituency in Busia for a fundraiser in aid of women groups.

The fundraiser, according to Emase, aims to raise money to facilitate the establishment of women-led enterprises in the Teso South subcounty.

The fundraiser is being held two weeks after President William Ruto's aide Farouk Kibet officiated a similar event in Teso North subcounty where he helped raise Sh7.9 million for the construction of a new church at Chelelemuk Catholic Parish.

Emase who is Nyoro’s deputy in the Budget Committee on Friday said she will not tire in her quest to help the establishment of businesses particularly those led by women.

“This event is very deliberate in changing lives,” she said.

The event, according to local political analysts may be a strategy by President William Ruto to penetrate Teso as he angles to wrestle out ODM from Busia county.

ODM has been dominant in Busia for a long time having overwhelmingly voted for former Prime Minister Raila Odinga at the presidential level since the 2007 polls.

Emase is the only MP who was voted on a UDA party ticket in Busia. Five of the MPs in the county are from the ODM party. They include Oku Kaunya (Teso North), Joseph Oyula (Butula), Geoffrey Odanga (Matayos), Wilberforce Mudenyo (Funyula) and Raphael Wanjala (Budalang’i). Nambale’s Geoffrey Mulanya is an independent MP.

Women and other residents follow proceedings during the fund drive in Teso, Busia county on May 18, 2024
Women and other residents follow proceedings during the fund drive in Teso, Busia county on May 18, 2024
MP Ndindi Nyoro and other leaders in Busia county on May 18, 2024
MP Ndindi Nyoro and other leaders in Busia county on May 18, 2024

During the Chelelemuk fundraiser, Kibet called on the people of Teso to rally their support behind Ruto who said is a visionary leader with the ability to transform Kenya for the better.

UDA since its inception has not enjoyed a sizable support in Busia. Besides having one MP elected on the party ticket during the 2022 general elections, the party also has one elected representative in the Busia county assembly.

Boniface Erute (Amukura West) is the only MCA elected on the party ticket in August 2022. The presence of the UDA brigade in Teso today, many argue, may be part of a wider plot by UDA to infiltrate Teso North, Teso Central and Teso South.

Party officials have been busy crisscrossing the subregion registering members as the political outfit continues with its countrywide grassroot elections.

Kibet on May 4, at Chelelemuk exuded confidence that UDA will produce more elected leaders in Busia during the 2027 general election.

During the 2022 general polls, Raila received 226,317 (80.88 per cent) votes in Busia compared to Ruto’s 48,827 (17.45 per cent).

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