
Science agency empowers teachers, learners on STEM subjects

  • CEMASTEA officials who were equipped with computers, laboratory equipment and other innovative materials ...

Farmers adopt climate-smart rice technologies in Eastern Kenya

Over 800 farmers have adopted the drought-tolerant upland rice varieties

Ngilu: Raila should declare Kalonzo Azimio's 2027 flagbearer

The ex-Kitui governor said it was time the Azimio leader retuned the favour for the backing he received over the years

Judge leaders by their work not tribe, says Wetangula

Speaker says tribal politics will do more harm than good to the country

No farm yield in Athi ward after failed rains

This has been attributed to wanton destruction of forests for charcoal production.

Police rescue 17 Ethiopians being smuggled in Mombasa

They entered into the country through the Moyale border and were headed to South Africa

Man arrested, 14 goats recovered in Machakos

Also recovered from the scene was meat suspected to be of the missing goats

MCA seeking to auction properties of popular Meru televangelist over Sh300,000 debt

Televangelist says some of the properties attached to the auctioneer's list don't belong to him

Man dies by suicide while under custody in Machakos

County police boss said they had launched probe into the incident

Help! Dreams hang in the balance for Form One student

Mother says she's finding it difficult to educate her children through her ‘mama fua’ job

Embu leaders protest muguka ban, claim sabotage

Leaders say there is no significant difference between muguka and miraa, and want scientific and legal information ...

MP threatens court redress against Mombasa muguka ban

Lawmaker also urged President Ruto to intervene to protect muguka farmers

Opinion divided over whether Malombe should seek re-election

Governor and his proponents says he should vie so that he meets his term limit in office of serving two consecutive ...

Clash at church in Embu after pastor's alleged suspension

Suspended reverend has denied the allegations against him

Ex-street urchin turned musician sets sights on promoting Kamba culture

Tumbo Usu says majority of  youth in his community have abandoned their heritage in favour of the western one

Wall collapses, crushes man to death in Machakos

Police say he was removing scrap metals from the collapsed wall

EASTERN: JSS Teachers in Embu County slam officials over intimidations on demos.

The teachers said some officials are intimidating them over phone following their pursuit for permanent and pensionable ...