Director, Katiba Institute

GHAI: Muguka, counties and the Constitution

No national law makes growing, using or possessing khat, under any name, illegal.

GHAI: Cabinet, Cabinet Secretaries and constitutional history

We have learned if the President does not want a CS impeached by the National Assembly, it won’t happen.

COTTRELL GHAI: Dear Deputy President…

Once you are elected, the Constitution almost expects you to cease to be a Kikuyu but the DP of all the people.

GHAI: Flooding menace: Where does the buck stop?

The human rights of perhaps millions have been affected. But there is no effective remedy.

GHAI: Thinking about right to education

'Right to Education' trips off the tongue, but what does it really mean?

GHAI: More ways to kill Constitution than repealing

Too many people in public life do not seem to have even read the Constitution.

GHAI: 'Living within our means' –What does Constitution say?

Political class gets away with high salaries and needless extravagances.

Can state officers elected as independents join parties?

Party hopping by governors is not an impeachable offence.

GHAI: The rule of law, and unconstitutional laws

Various actors are getting used to the Constitution, and the process is perhaps improving.

GHAI: Declaring law unconstitutional critical for courts

A lot of our statute law needs amendment, to take account of the constitution and of changing norms and practices.

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