Digital Journalist

BIO: I cover politics and current affairs. I have previously covered East African entertainment and business. I have interest in geopolitics and expertise in content management, data analysis, strategic planning, photography and social media management.

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IG reassures Judiciary of safety after Kivuti's shooting

“This remains a matter of priority to the Service,” he said.

Waiguru named political trailblazer of the year

The CoG chair beat seven other exceptional women leaders to scoop the award.

Coast governors decline to meet Ruto over Muguka ban

The meeting was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, June 18 at State House.

Ruto jets back aboard Kenya Airways flight

He left the country on Thursday, June 13, for the G7 and Ukraine Peace Summits.

Putin must stop language of ultimatums, Zelensky

“We must stop this war," he said.

Kindiki: Kenya can't develop through regional considerations

Interior CS says government of Kenya does not allow any form of discrimination

Why government hasn't done much in two years - CS Kindiki

“The first two years we have not been able to do much and that is the honest truth."

Kindiki best performing CS yet again - InfoTrak poll

Kindiki was closely followed by his Youth and Sports counterpart Ababu Namwamba.

Kindiki: Leaders pushing ethnic interests betray the public

The Interior CS says that pursuing such an agenda is also unconstitutional.

[PHOTOS] Scenes at Akorino thanksgiving conference in Nakuru

The service was filled with praise songs and dance.

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