Raila mourns death of ODM nominated MCA Mama Zahra

Raila says she was a highly valued and respected member of the party

In Summary
  • Raila said Zahra was an active, conscientious, and dedicated leader in the party.
  • Early this year, she was among party officials who accompanied Raila during a recruitment drive in Lamu.
ODM Leader Raila Odinga at past
ODM Leader Raila Odinga at past

Azimio Leader Raila Odinga has mourned the death of Mama Zahra Shee, a member of the ODM Party in Lamu County.

Raila said Zahra was a highly valued and respected member of the ODM team, not only in Lamu County but nationally.

“I learnt of the passing of Mama Zahra with utmost shock and deep sorrow,” the Opposition chief said in a statement.

At the time of her untimely death, Mama Zahra was a member of the ODM Women League National Executive Council (NEC) and a nominated member of the County Assembly of Lamu.

“On behalf of the entire membership of our Party and on my behalf, I wish to express our most sincere sympathies to you Mama Zahra's family, her colleagues, and friends. I wish you the fortitude to bear this great loss,” read the statement in part.

Raila said Zahra was an active, conscientious, and dedicated leader in the party, who was always focused on the good of the people and the ODM Party than on her self-aggrandizement.

“She was the unshakeable pillar of our Party in Lamu County and adviser at the national level. Indeed, the void her unexpected departure has created in the Assembly and Party leadership is already visible and will be difficult for us in ODM to fill,” Raila added.

Early this year, she was among party officials who accompanied Raila during a recruitment drive in Lamu.

“She was her usual self and full of energy, giving instructions and crossing the ocean with us for two days,” Raila recalled.

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna termed her as one of the strongest grassroots leaders in the ODM party.

"Mama Zahra hosted the Party in Lamu earlier this year and we had a very successful recruitment drive. She has been one of the strongest grassroots leaders in the ODM party. I have received news of her death with profound sadness. May Allah rest her soul in eternal peace," Sifuna stated.

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