Kenya renews push to have Nyayo Stadium host international matches

The government has invited CAF to re-inspect the facility

In Summary
  • Previous inspection ruled Nyayo Stadium unfit to host World Cup qualifier matches.
  • PS noted that a lot of renovations have been undertaken following the closure of the stadium.
An aerial view of Nyayo National Stadium
An aerial view of Nyayo National Stadium
Image: FILE

Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts has re-ignited campaigns to have Nyayo Stadium host international matches.

The ministry said it had invited the Confederation of African Football (CAF) to re-inspect the facility to have it host Harambee Stars World Cup qualifier matches.

Appearing before the National Assembly Committee on Sports, Principal Secretary Peter Tum said his office has invited the CAF inspectorate team to conduct an inspection of the stadium.

This is after the previous exercise ruled the facility is unfit to host qualifier matches.

"The CAF inspection team has confirmed that they will be in the country in one or two weeks to inspect Nyayo Stadium again," said Mr Tum.

He explained that the team had been invited by Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba to conduct the exercise after the ministry met some of the demands laid down by CAF.

"The fact that the CAF team has agreed to come again for an inspection exercise after a request by CS gives the country and football fans hopes of watching Harambee Stars start their World Cup qualifier campaign on home soil," he said.

The PS, who had appeared before the Dan Wanyama-led Committee assured football fans that Nyayo will be given a clean bill of health to host the qualifier matches.

He noted that the CS is determined to ensure that all requirements by Fifa are met.

"The implications of not hosting qualifier matches at home are bad for the country and the national team," he said.

"It is because of this reason that the CS has put all mechanisms in place to ensure that the country complies with all the requirements."

He noted that a lot of renovations have been undertaken following the closure of the stadium.

"The only area that we are working on now is the lighting project which will soon be complete," said Tum.

He confirmed that Bukhungu stadium has been ruled out as a host for the African Nations Championship.

"Our fallback plan for the African Nations Championship is Nyayo stadium after Bukhungu was ruled out by CAF," said Tum.

He added that renovations of Kasarani stadium which is earmarked to host AFCON in 2027 are 30 per cent complete.

Wanyama noted that the committee was concerned with information that World Cup qualifier matches by the national team would be held in Lilongwe, Malawi.

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