Correspondent - Machakos

BIO: A highly experienced, innovative, diverse and multi-skilled media professional with exemplary Public Relations expertise required to grow organizations and great personalities.

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4,000 youths graduate with certificates in various courses

Graduands were 5th cohort of International Youth Fellowship Free Weekend Academy.

Treasury staff cheats death in freak Machakos accident

The governmenrt vehicle he was driving rammed into a stationary lorry in Athi River.

Reject amendments on Conflict of Interest Bill – EACC to MPs

""n our view this is unconstitutional because conflict of interest is one of the issues under Chapter Six."

EACC: County assemblies have failed in executing oversight

Spokesperson EACC has observed a pattern and is now taking action

EACC recovers Sh100 million public land in Machakos

The recovered public land is approximately 80 metres from Machakos State Lodge

Nyoro, Babu Owino lead MPs in condemning divisive politics

The legislators say they had resorted to traverse the country to support each other in development

Machakos: Families spend night in cold as fire razes houses

The cause of the fire was yet to be established

Man crashed to death by truck in Machakos

The deceased is yet to be identified, police said.

Restored rivers offer Makueni residents alternative livelihoods

Locals fought off sand harvesters in order to rehabilitate, conserve and protect rivers

I will continue fighting for tea farmers - MP Kagombe

Kagombe said nothing will stop him from diligently serving his electorate

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